Today is a special day. A Party like no other event! Not only has a special group of people just graduated from a very unique class, taught by a very unique person, but it is a day that has been chosen in order to celebrate the specific achievements of this exceptional class!
In the last sixty days, 100 people were literally thrown together to learn the most up to date marketing techniques that would help build their “Brand” and prepare them for the great big world of Social Media. It was a remarkable task, but somehow Kristen Lamb pulled it off and in the end they came out all the better for having taken the class.
But what may you ask is this Blogfest all about?
In the spirit of WANA1011: Fabio Bueno, Ginger Calem, Louise Behiel, Jansen Schmidt (aka Patricia L. Rickrode) and myself are sharing the “Blog Love” by giving out Awards to different people today, all interlinked to one another!
So let’s get this party started!
First of all I want to take this opportunity to thank all three people who gave me the awards that you now see on your right. I’m not going to name names because you already know who you are!
Okay, okay you caught me. With everything going on lately I actually forgot who gave them to me. LOL! But let’s move on shall we?
I would like to bestow an award to the next five WANA1011 Bloggers:
1– Jeffery Rowan
2– Jennifer L. Oliver
3– Julia Whitmore
4– Laura Sherman
5– Lisa Geichman Prosek
6– Kinley Baker
I am giving each of you the opportunity to choose from one of the blogging awards you see listed in the column on your right. I really don’t care which one you pick as long as you have fun!
Sincere congratulations to each one of you and all the WANA1011 class members!
You’re fantastic bloggers and deserve all the “Blog Love” and recognition!
Now to share seven random things about myself.
1– I am Dopey because people say I’m sweet and silly, but I’m not into the lime green tunic and the purple hat.
2– I am Grumpy because I can be grouchy and curmudgeonly when provoked (especially when someone wakes me up at an ungodly hour), though I can be extremely loyal and devoted.
3– I am Doc because I feel that when I say the right words, they can be both healing and therapeutic.
4– I am Happy because it gives me great joy to tease, taunt and torment close friends and family.
5– I am Bashful because I tend to exhibit a shy and reserved demeanor when in the presence of a large crowd.
6– I am Sneezy because I have allergies that when aggravated (pollen and furry animals) make me sneeze.
7– I am Sleepy because I enjoy the gentle peacefulness of slumber that comes after surviving a hectic and tiring day.
Last but not least there is something else that makes this event even more special.
On behalf of our fellow WANA1011 classmates, we are presenting an additional blogging Award.
This exclusive accolade is being bestowed just once upon a very unique, irreplaceable person!
And that person is…
Nope, I’m not going to tell you.
In order to find out you will need to visit these other fine posts: Fabio Bueno, Ginger Calem,
Louise Behiel and Jansen Schmidt (Patricia).
But before you go take a guess, because I know you’ll also want to leave an encouraging comment here for all your fine classmates!
Thank you everyone for your participation in this awesome event!
Love the theme of seven things about you! Brilliant! Great choices on the bloggers, now off to visit their sites. Terrific post, Karen!
Serena Dracis recently posted..Spirits Are Everywhere
Hi Serena! I’m glad you enjoy my silly list. Thank you for taking the time to visit their sites. That’s so awesome of you Serena! Your such a support! 🙂
Wow, I’ve been so busy lately I missed out on all the fun. Dang, late to the party as usual.
This is awesome stuff folks, what a great way to celebrate all the awesome folks of WANA1011. Yeaaaa Team!
Prudence MacLeod recently posted..Post-Holiday Syndrome
Better late than never Prudence! And you so did not miss out on the fun. Yeaaa Team is right! And we all deserve to celebrate! Thanks Prudence! 🙂
P.S. Off to read a lot of blogs, hi ho, hi ho.
Julia Whitmore recently posted..A Matter of National Defense
Hush hush, voices carry, seven dwarves kicking and screaming? I love it. Your support is worth a million bucks. No priceless. It’s hard enough to figure out the techie stuff, get those posts out there, resist the siren call of (newly discovered) tweeting, get today’s writing done, live, and oh right — give back! You’re doing it. Generosity is a rare gift. Thank you.
Happy Blogfest day.
Julia Whitmore recently posted..A Matter of National Defense
Julia, thank you so much for coming by! Yes, hasn’t all that we’ve learned been a little bit overwelming? But we survived! And please, stay in touch with the WANA group Julia. Let me know if there’s anything that I can do to help. I’m not a techie by nature, but i’ve suprised myself by what I already know. lol And it’s so much easier to work together. But you earned that award Julia! And all of us are very proud of you and all the other class members. We’ve all achieved a lot over the last couple of months. Take care and Congratulations! 🙂
Such a fab party! (This post, your blog & WANA1011… ;)) Love your creative take on “7 things.” Congrats to the deserving winners!
Thank you August! It WAS fun! And yes, now I am Sleepy! Good night! lol
I agree! This is the most creative way of doing the 7 things that I’ve ever seen! Go, Karen. 🙂
Jenny Hansen recently posted..5 Things No One Tells You Before the Baby Arrives
Why thank you Jenny! You mean there might be hope for me yet? Don’t give me too big of a head. lol 🙂
Wonderful idea! I’m giving away two blog awards today too 🙂
Love the fabulous dwarf idea!
Why thank you Angela! have fun with your award blog and just remember, you and all the other WANA’s have had a big part in all of this! You Rock girl! You know I’m a fan! 🙂
Woot woot – here’s to celebrating your HUGE success and accomplishments all!! So proud of you guys and hope you got as much out of it as I know the WANA711 class did. Here’s to our continued growth and friendships.
LOVE awards – congrats on ALL of yours Karen – so well deserving. Enjoy the blogfest well into the wee hours of the weekend! Partyyyy!!!!
Natalie Hartford recently posted..BMO MasterCard helps raise funds for MADD Canada
Woot-woot!!!!! Hey girl, you and all the WANA’s are a big part of this and that’s why we’re sharing this day with you all! Thank you Natalie for all your support as always! Now go Party girl! 🙂
Hi Karen – Love the dwarves reference! You’re a clever one, you!
Thanks for helping organize this blogfest. Sorry I was late getting to the party!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Better late than never as the old saying goes! You did a lot of work and are a big part of this Patricia! Thank you! Now go have some fun and join the Twitter Party! 🙂
Karen, your dwarf idea is genius (LOL, Myndi: “schizophrenic dwarf”), as was your idea of creating a blogfest to honor our classmates.
I enjoyed working with you. We should do more of these!
You’re amazing, Karen. Thanks.
Fabio Bueno recently posted..WANA1011 Blogfest Awards
Well, Fabio, I don’t know about genius. But I’ll take the compliment right now because this is so much fun! You did an awesome job on the Award for Kristen! And remember, we’re still classmates. Bob Mayer’s class is going to Rock our world! Thank you Fabio for being such a kind person and always a great support! Now go have some fun and let’s Party On Dude! 🙂
Karen, you are the Hostess with the Mostess! What a fantastic idea!
I resemble the 7 dwarfs in much the same way you do! 😀
I agree with Sharon, I’m proud to be part of WANA1011, it is not only an amazing group of people, it has been a life-affirming and life-changing event.
Thanks so much for spreading the blog love!
Lynette M Burrows recently posted..As the Plot Turns
Why thank you Lynette! LOL on the seven dwarfs! I was just trying to have some fun with this! And yes, we are an amazing group and we’ve all had a big part in sharing the Blog Love! 🙂
Tried to post from my phone…not so sure that was a good idea. Love the seven dwarfs, Karen. what a hoot. thanks so much for all you’ve done for this party. it’s been great. we should do it again and soon.
Louise Behiel recently posted..The WANA1011 Festival of Blogging Awards
Thank you Louise for such a great job! You did a lot of work girl and it shows! It was fun and now it’s time to Party! Have a great time! 🙂
What a great awards-fest you, Fabio, Ginger, Louise, and Jansen (aka Patricia) have put together! I thought I was doing a good job of keeping up with posts by WANA 1011ers, but you cited some blogs I haven’t visited. Thanks for pointing me in their direction.
Hey Pat, we wanted to involve you, but you had already posted your awards. Sorry girl. We did think of you though. And yes, please check out these blogs. We tried to award those who might have gotten overlooked. I hope we succeeded. Thanks Pat as always for your support! Now go have fun!!!!! 🙂
Congratulations, you schizophrenic dwarf, you!!
Myndi Shafer recently posted..LISTENER: Falling in Love with Glaciers
Schizophrenic dwarf, LOL!!! Myndi, could you share some of those prego hormones with us? You are hilarious girl! Congrats right back at you! 🙂
It’s been a great experience and I look forward to continuing to hang out with all of you on the blogosphere!! 🙂 Congrats to all!
Coleen Patrick recently posted..The Soothing Power of a Smile (and Cupcakes)
Coleen, this couldn’t happen without all of you! It’s been a great experience! And you better continue to hang out or I’ll come and get you girl! LOL!!!
This is awesome what you guys are doing. I love your seven things Karen, they made me smile. And your picture is a real eye catcher!
Debra Kristi recently posted..–☆★✰Awesomeness Becomes You!✰★☆–
Hey there Debra! I’m so glad your enjoying the Blogfest! I’m glad I could make you smile! I thought the picture denoted our WANA1011 spirit, didn’t you? Happy Blogfest Day to you! 🙂
What a great idea Karen! You’ve inspired me to write my own GO WANA post! Now I’m off to go visit the others. 🙂
We rock guys! It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you all. We are NOT alone!
Julie Hedlund recently posted..Books I Read in 2011
Me? An inspiration? Oh my. Well if I am, it’s because you all inspired me! You rock Julie! It’s been a pleasure indeed! 🙂
Wow, what a fun day it is! Congrats to all! And way to share the blog love 😀
Melinda recently posted..Let The Challenge Begin!
Yes, congrats to all is right Melinda! Let’s all share the Blog Love shall we? Thank you Melinda! 🙂
Thanks to you Fabio, Ginger, Jansen, and Louise for starting this party.
I feel so proud to be a part of the WANA1011 fabulous 100–not to mention the added benefit of connecting with the WANA711 and WANA1211 groups.
The connection has been a life-changing event in my personal and professional life.
I only wish I could have joined to host the original party.
How can I join?
Well Sharon, you’ve already joined! We are all involved in encouraging and supporting one another! I’m so glad you were a part of this. We couldn’t have done it without you! 🙂
Fantastic job, Karen!! I ADORE your 7 facts a la the 4 dwarves. How very clever you are! 😉 It’s going to be a fun day!
Ginger Calem recently posted..The BIG, Exciting, Fabulous Wana1011 BlogFest
Thank you Ginger for all you’ve done! It was so fun working together! Have fun! 🙂