Karen resides along the Southern California coastline as an author of literary fiction whose previous background as an accomplished interior designer made it possible for her to have worked with clients from all over the world. She is married and has two sons. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, getting lost in a book, walks along the beach, great food and conversation, shopping, smooth jazz and rock ‘n roll, driving along PCH, top fuel drags and travel.
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Lovely homepage, Karen! I am trying to be filled with inspiration rather than just envy when I see how beautifully my fellow literary types have manipulated technology. Hope to get there myself someday, with a lotta WANA help!
Thank you very much Gretchen! Although I don’t think that we’ve manipulated technology. It’s more likely that technology has manipulated us. LOL! And yes, you will get there someday, with WANA help. I am all about helping others, so please let me know how I may help you, okay? And a big thanks for leaving this message. It is a pleasure meeting you! 🙂
Karen I am so excited for you. I love all your work. What a talent! Looking forward to more of your blog.
Thank you Kim! What a nice compliment. I look forward to your visits.