Tag Archives: Bob Mayer

“It’s Not How You Start, It’s How You Finish!”

This is what I try to tell myself everyday as I work on my manuscript. Don’t worry Karen about that piece of crap you’re writing. What really matters is how it comes across at the finish.

It isn’t really a piece of crap. Well, maybe it is. Perhaps it may not be. No, it’s a piece of crap. Oh, I’m sure it isn’t. But then again, what if it is?

Since I feel so overwhelmed by this whole process, I thought I’d try to draw some inspiration from NASCAR driver Danica Patrick and the Daytona 500.


Oh, what do I get myself into?

I wrote a story a couple of years ago and sent it to an editor for an opinion. Ha! That was the brainless idea of the century. Okay, maybe a decade. But, what was I thinking? I crashed and burned. I got creamed. My little heart was smashed into pieces. Thankfully he did it with humor. But in the end, I was bleeding. It was a painful experience, really. I was a horrible mess. I thought I’d never see daylight again as I licked my wounds under the duvet with a box of Kleenex.

I had made every mistake in the book a new writer makes. Only I didn’t know it. The editor never told me. I felt like an idiot and for months I was devastated. I lost my confidence. And it took away something else from me—the willingness to just let it rip, to let creativity flow and allow myself to make mistakes. I then became my own worst enemy.

Yet, as time went on, I regained a measure of confidence. I started writing again. But this time, I was more prepared. I equipped myself by reading a number of craft books. Then off I went with vivacious verbosity, laying the foundation for another story.

I was halfway through when I took a craft class from Bob Mayer. During the class I had an Aha moment. In one of his lessons, Bob asked the question, “Do you finish what you start?”

It caught me off guard. I was not prepared to answer his question. Why?

Because when it came time to asking myself that important question, had I really finished what I had started? No, I had not.

After my defeat, I put my focus on another project. I had run away from the challenge–the challenge to finish what I had started. After all, my failure was only a first draft. Yes, I had sent a first draft to an editor.

Now I ask you, who does that sort of thing?

Me. 🙂

So, after finishing Bob Mayer’s class, I jumped right into Wana and Kristen Lamb’s Blogging for Brand class. I was now going to create my own platform. Yet, I didn’t even have a book to launch. But I was determined to make this work and gain experience.

During this time, I met a friend of Kristen Lamb who lives in England, Donna Newton. In fact, she was the first guest on my blog. After getting to know one another, she asked me to send over the bullet points from my first manuscript. After she read them, we had our first Skype session. And she was excited.

“There’s a story here Karen. But…”

What? You thought there wouldn’t be a but?

But she liked the story!

Yes, but…“you’re not showing it and I’m not going to let you get away with it! In order to do this, it needs a lot of revision.”

Then she asked me, “Will you be up to the task? Or do you want to throw the manuscript into the drawer?”

The drawer? What is the drawer really? Is this a code word for crap?

Well, I had to ask myself, what would Danica Patrick do?

It was only last year that Danica was forced to start in the back of the field after crashing during her qualifying race and was caught up again in a crash on lap three of the Daytona 500.


But did she give up?

No. She forged ahead. And since she made her debut in the same race last year, Danica Patrick will now lead the field to the green flag for this year’s 500 after qualifying at Daytona International Speedway. Danica posted the fastest speed at last Saturday’s two qualifying practices and she’s the first woman to win a pole position in Sprint Cup Series history.

People may say what they want, but this woman driver has earned her way to first position.

Now I’m not saying that this is my quest. It has never been my dream to be the fastest car in front of the pack. But if I can duplicate Danica’s persistent drive and attitude, I may just have a chance to write a pretty good story.

So I have to keep reminding myself, the race isn’t over yet. I’m in it for the long run and “it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish!”

So what do you think? Do I have what it takes to make it over the finish line? Or should I shoot myself now and get it over with? To what extent have you had to revise an MS, past or present? What sage advice was given to help pull you through the process?

Thank you so much for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments!


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It’s A Celebration!

“It’s My One Year Blogoversary Everybody!”


Whoa! Has it been one year already? Well, actually my one year blogoversary was a couple of months ago, October 30th to be exact, but I was no where to be found. 🙂
Yet, something like this is just too important to miss, don’t ya think?

So let’s get this party started, shall we?

Hey, do any of you remember this?

(Don Barlett/L.A. Times)

Ah, good times, good times.

I thought it might be interesting if we took a brief look back at all that’s been accomplished here on my blog over the previous year. What was my objective at the beginning of this blogging adventure? To find out, let’s take a peek and see if I even came close to hitting the mark.

Here’s what I said, “My hope is that through my writing I will be able to touch people’s lives and connect with others that will in someway benefit them and not just myself.”

Was that a load of crap? Well, I don’t know. Let’s see how I did?

It turns out I wrote 56 posts over the entire year. Not bad, since there was a whole lot going on as you well know. I had over 2300 comments, which granted some of them I’m quite sure were my replies in response to yours. But all and all, I couldn’t be happier. It’s always good to know that I am not out there talking to myself since I am of the belief that it’s not very healthy. Am I right Louise Biehel and Kassandra Lamb?

I also received a lot of visits from gazillions of spammers. You know, those freaky bots that try to invade your posts. And I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Akisment for that little configuration because if it wasn’t for them, we bloggers would go nuts. 🙂

I’ve had some wonderful guest bloggers in the house, starting with Donna Newton, then Colin Falconer, Natalie Hartford, Angela Peart, Barry Crowther, Tim L. O’Brien, Diane Capri, Bob Mayer, Katherine Owen and Julia Whitmore who shared their valuable knowledge and experience about the craft of writing.

And any time one of you would like to take a shot at a guest post on my blog, you have an open invitation to join in. We’d all love to hear from you!

Okay, so what else happened?

Well, I can’t say that anything earth shattering happened here. It’s not like we’re trying to solve all the problems of the universe or bring about world peace. 🙂

But we did have some fun talking about animals, both big and small that included a shark attack, a Gorilla and a cute little puppy that got stuck on a runaway train. We had someone stranded as if they were Tom Hanks at an airport for eight days. Tom Cruise jumped out a window from the tallest building in the world while Jon Bon Jovi fed people from a kitchen with a heart full of soul.

There were posts about sports, nature, artists, and food. A bittersweet post about making lemonade out of lemons and a very Sexy green leafy vegetable named Kale. *Shivers*

Yet, through it all, I tried to bring the gift of optimism to the forefront. That’s not always easy to do with everything that’s happened over the past year in everyone’s life. But even though I may still be “Hanging On For Dear Life”, as was the title of my first post, I feel a great sense of accomplishment and immense appreciation for all of you. For each week you showed up. Each week you came to support me. And for that I cannot thank you enough!

So grab yourself some cyber champagne…


And let’s “Celebrate good times, come on! It’s a celebration!”


“Happy Blogoversary!”

So what do you think? Can I “Hang” in there for another year? Was there a post over the past year that you particularly enjoyed? Is there a topic that you would like to see me blog about? And what about you? What’s changed since you started blogging and what has helped you on the road to success?

Thank you so much for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments!


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Guest Post by Bob Mayer

Bob Mayer is here!

You know, Bob Mayer the NYTBS, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, USA Today best selling author who’s written more than 45 fiction and non-fiction books and has published in numerous genres that include thriller, science fiction, suspense and romance!

Bob Mayer who has appeared on PBS, NPR, the Discovery Channel, USA Today and has sold millions of books around the world leading the self-publish world as co-owner of “Who Dares Wins Publishing and Write-It-Forward Workshops, who sold over 400,000 eBooks in just 2011 alone!

Yes, that Bob Mayer! And he’s really here!

Oh, am I so excited!

How I ever got Bob Mayer to guest post on my blog I’ll never know. It wasn’t by force that’s for sure since Bob was specially trained in the military at West Point as a Green Beret and is also a Martial Arts expert.

I’ve been taking classes from Bob Mayer’s Write-It-Forward workshops on and off over the last six months, so between you and me, I think Bob just thought it would be a good way to get rid of me. LOL. 🙂

But honestly, all I did was ask! Right Bob?


And even though Bob teaches classes that help authors promote their books, he believes wholeheartedly that Craft must come first. And what is one of the most important things about craft that we all should focus on?

Our Characters…

So without further ado, here’s Bob!

Seven Keys To Unforgettable Characters

Think of your favorite book. What’s one of the first things that comes to your mind? I’m going to say…it’s the characters. Most people relate to people, not things.

Characters bring emotion to story, and emotion is what attaches readers to books. It took me a while to truly appreciate this fundamental truth of fiction. I remember meeting Elizabeth George in Denver while she was on book tour about ten years ago. As we dined, she kept talking about characters. How important they are. How characters develops plot, not vice versa.

Here are some of the key lessons I’ve learned about character development over the years, which I cover in more detail in my Write It Forward on-line class on character:

1. “Know the enemy and know yourself. In a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” Sun Tzu. As I teach in Write-It-Forward, before we can understand other people, even fictional ones, we must understand ourselves. So, yes, if you’re a writer, you need some therapy. It is not normal to sit alone in a dark room and write 100,000 words. You need to understand your point of view on people and things because that’s going to come out when you develop your characters. One of the biggest breakthroughs I had on character was when I realized I was writing a character who was doing things I would never in a million years do, but I was able to have him believe he was doing the right thing.

2. Everyone one has a primary motivator. You must know the primary motivator for every character. Be able to say it in one word. Because when characters are pushed to the limit, that primary motivator is going to determine their course of action, not your decision as author. In Lonesome Dove, when Blueduck kidnaps Lori, Larry McMurtry did not have a choice as to what each of his characters were going to do. Because they were fully developed, they all acted ‘in character’. Gus went after Lori. Call kept the cattle moving north. Jake Spoon went to San Antonio and gambled. In my current WIP, my protagonist’s primary motivator is ‘loyalty’. My antagonist primary motivator is ‘honor.’ Do you see how those two motivators can truly clash and bring the fuel of a novel: Conflict?

3. You need at least three layers of motivation to your main characters. These layers are all present at the beginning of the book, but the character isn’t conscious of the deeper ones. They can be layered thus…

a. What do you want?
b. What do you really want?
c. What do you absolutely need?

4. Those layers are peeled away until we get down to that need. In the book Jen Talty and I wrote, each peeling away occurred at a turning point in the novel. JT Wilder in Don’t Look Down:
a. What do you want? Get paid and get laid. (He’s a guy)
b. What do you really want? A relationship.
c. What do you need? A relationship and community.

5. You don’t have to invent characters from scratch. If you’re not going to use real people (modified), then use what experts have developed for you. I like using variations of three templates, which we’ll cover in detail.
a. Archetypes. This is very useful for gender differences. Is there a male equivalent for slut? That always provokes good debate.
b. Profiling. I’m big on profiling because it gives you characters types that will act in certain ways. And no, it isn’t just for serial killers. You can profile anyone. Indeed, in my class, there is one exercise participants do and that is, profile themselves first.
c. The Myers-Briggs test. Many of you have taken it, but it gives you 16 distinct character types you can mine. By the way, one type, INFJ, is labeled author. The exact opposite, ESTP, is promoter. Something we focus on in Write-It-Forward.

6. Know your characters’ blind spot. We use a trait-need-flaw diagram to find that. It’s the flaw your character isn’t aware of that makes for compelling fiction and is the groundwork of tragedy.

7. Make your antagonist a real person, not a cardboard cut out. We must understand WHY the antagonist is doing a bad thing. By the way, evil is not a motivator. It’s an end result.

These are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned about character over the years that I wanted to share. You will find more detail when you participate in our Write-It-Forward on-line workshop. But after 20 years since my first book came out, I can honestly say I’ve learned more about the craft of writing over the past two years. I think the key to success for any writer is always wanting to learn more and developing skills in your craft.

I hope this will help you write more exciting Characters that will make for better stories. And Write It Forward.

Thanks Karen.

No, thank you Bob!

Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge on Characterization, showing us just how important our Characters really are as they drive each of our stories forward.
Bob’s Write-It-Forward philosophy can be seen by his many achievements and in the development of Who Dares Wins Publishing over the past two years with his business partner Jen Talty. So I’m excited to introduce to you their latest launch in self-publishing called “The ShelfLess Book!”

To quote Bob, “Whether you have been published by a New York publisher, an independent press, an ePublisher, self-published or considering all of your options, this book contains all the information you need to make an informed decision about your career as an author in today’s fast moving digital world.”

Wow, thank you Bob and Jen! That sounds like a sure fire way to success! Who couldn’t use that kind of information? It is now available through Amazon.com or Who Dares Wins Publishing.

And just in case you’re wondering what Bob Mayer does when he isn’t working?
He can usually be found hanging with two of his favorite friends!
Cool Gus and Sassy Becca! Now, who could resist that?

Bob Mayer can also be found at:

www.whodareswinspublishing.comBob Mayer Author

Twitter: @Bob_Mayer

So what do you think? What impels you to write great Characters that drive your many stories forward? I’d love to hear what your thoughts are!

Would you like to see more great posts like you saw today? Then I encourage you to go now! Run up to the top right hand side of the page and click on the Follow button to receive your personal copy of future posts!!!!

Thank you everyone for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments! 🙂


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ROW80: Alive and Kicking

Op-la-de, op-la-da, life goes on…

It’s Sunday, so it must be time for my weekly check-in.

By the way, Fabio Bueno says it’s okay if I break out into a song. 🙂
But don’t worry—I’m done singing—for now.

So are we ready? Okay, here we go…

The dreaded check-in

Let’s take a look at how I did last week, shall we?…

Goals for Round 1:

1- Work on my current WIP.
This really could be combined with goal number two. But I am in the process of moving forward with both WIPs and also plotting a new story for my third novel.

Yep, still plotting and developing character arcs.
I could lie here, but I won’t. I haven’t been working at this as hard as I could be. I’m going to have to set a new goal for this one.

2- Check in with Donna Newton at WWBC once a week.
Check. I did converse with Donna via email this week. As you know, Donna is now reading my number one WIP. Last week I had said that Donna was a slow reader. Apparently Donna wasn’t reading at all. Well she was reading, but just not my manuscript. Our girl Donna, you know, the hot shot scriptwriter who has connections in Hollywood. Yes, that Donna Newton. She was handed a script to read over and it kinda bumped my project off to the side for a bit. But I’ve been told that she is reading it now. Right Donna? *winks* 🙂

3- Participate in my online class to help authors balance writing and business with Bob Mayer.
As I reported to you last week, this goal is all done. Does this mean that I get to have Ice Cream now that I’m finished? Just kidding. But seriously, I’m beginning to miss Bob a little. I, after all, have been taking one of his Write It Forward online classes since last September. It feels kinda strange not having to complete a work assignment during the week. Hmm. Maybe I’m not done with Write It Forward after all. Maybe I should see if there’s something else that Bob can do to help myself and others hone our craft. I’ll have to get back to you on that…

4- Blog at least once a week.
Yep, posted on Wednesday. And this week I decided to write about an entirely different subject altogether. I decided to write about a vegetable. I know, crazy huh? But who knew that a vegetable could be so sexy! Sexy as a Rockstar! If you haven’t already, go check it out. Its health benefits could make you feel a whole lot better!

I can’t thank you enough for all the support and wonderful comments. Some of you left some great suggestions on how you enjoy that sexy vegetable Kale. Thank you guys! You’re awesome! 🙂

5- Visit and support 5 bloggers per day.
I am happy to say that I try to read more than 5 bloggers per day. And like I said last week, since I have now visited everyone from WANA1011, I thought it would be a good goal to try to go visit everyone from WANA112, although I’m not quite sure how to get a list of those bloggers. Again, if anyone has a list or knows of a list, please let me know. Thank you!

FYI, unfortunately WordPress.com has developed a glitch over the last week and will not allow some of us to leave comments with those of you who host your blogs on WordPress. This has been very frustrating. Just know that others are reading your posts, but were unable to leave a comment. We’ve tried. Oh, how we have tried. And will continue to try. But as Kristen Lamb suggested on Facebook yesterday, let’s be patient or email WP. Please let them know how you feel about this problem so that they will fix it. Meanwhile, we will keep on reading! 🙂

6- Tweet at least once per day.
Yep, I was able to meet this goal and I’ve been busy all week tweeting to support others. And I would like to take this time to thank these awesome people for all their support and Twitter love!

@Angela_Peart @DianeCapri @_FabioBueno_ @DebraKristi @GeneLempp @DebraEve @ElaineSmothers @MarcyKenned @jenmariepowell @jhansenwrites @AugstMcLaughlin @MikeSchulenberg @SusieLindau @barrycrother @DonnaNewtonUK @WritetoPrint @ColeenPatrick @MyndiShafer @LynetteBurrows @patodearosen @NatalieHartford @PatriciaFitz @kbowenwriter @JuliaIndigo @EMitchelwriter KMHuber @duolit @Angela_Peart @wayneborean @EmilyDSteele @EmmaBurcart @ShawndraRussell @KateWood_Author @KristenNador @Jenn_L_Oliver @darairene @galeminchew @patricia_sands @SaraWFoster

I can’t believe what great support I have on Twitter! I hope you all are following these amazing people!
Thank you guys for your Tweets and Re-Tweets! I’m sending you all a big Hug!!!!

7- Exercise during the week.
I am happy to say that this week started on a better note. I got a couple of walks in and because our son and daughter-in-law were visiting, I also walked their dog. I just need to keep this going into next week.

So now I’m looking forward to a fresh new start to this week.

Oh, before you go be sure to check out these awesome blog posts from the past week that caught my eye…
The first post I want to refer you to is from Jess Witkins. I have always loved architecture and since I used to live near Taliesin west, this post perked my interest. It’s a review about a book called “Loving Frank”, Frank Lloyd Wright that is, by Nancy Horan. What a fabulous review Jess!

Diane Capri is doing a series of interviews with her friends. Ah, but these are no ordinary friends. These friends are NYTBS authors of Mystery/Thriller novels. Check out this weeks interview is with David Morrell. You know, the guy that wrote “Rambo.” Yeah, that guy.

Then I enjoyed this next post from Ginger Calem called, “Locks of Love: My Daughter’s Donation.” Well, what can I say? I’m impressed and you will be too. Go read about this remarkable young lady and what she sacrificed for cancer victims. Your daughter is truly precious Ginger!

And last but not least I want to include Donna Newton’s post on “So You Want to be an Author?”—Part Three. I know that I included Donna on last weeks ROW80 post, but this is an awesome series that she’s put together. On her post she likens social media to building a house. Donna breaks it all down into a step by step process like building blocks, walking us through several social media platforms that will give us a sound foundation.

Okay I did it. I got through another week and I’m not alone. There are others that are right beside me to help me along the way. So that I don’t irritate my wonderful supportive subscribers, feel free to delete my ROW80 posts if they start to irritate you. They probably won’t be all that interesting, unless…

Unless I can temp you all to join us over at the party at ROW80! Feel free to jump in anytime. See you there! 🙂

So what do you think? How did I do? I know I can still count on your support, right? Or you have my permission to come and give me a swift kick in the butt! 🙂
If you enjoyed this, I encourage you to run right now to the top of the page and hit the follow button to receive future posts!

Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you!


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ROW80: Alive and Kicking!

Today is 3/11…Wait… Isn’t that the name of a Reggae Rock band?
“Whoa, amber is the color of your energy.”
Oh I’m just being silly!
How was your week everyone? I was sick last week, so I didn’t check-in. Did ya miss me? Well I missed all of you! This week flew by fast. Unfortunately we are still dealing with Hubby’s back so that makes things a bit stressful around here, but life goes on.

And no I will not break into another song!

So are we ready? Okay, here we go…

The dreaded check-in

Let’s take a look at how I did last week, shall we?…

Goals for Round 1:

1- Work on my current WIP.
This really could be combined with goal number two. But I am in the process of moving forward with both WIPs and also plotting a new story for my third novel.
Yep, still plotting and developing character arcs.

2- Check in with Donna Newton at WWBC once a week.
Check. I did converse with Donna via email this week. As you know, Donna is now reading my number one WIP. She says she is a slow reader. LOL! So she is not finished yet. Hurry up Donna! I’m waiting here! Just sayin’. 🙂

3- Participate in my online class to help authors balance writing and business with Bob Mayer.
All done. 🙂

4- Blog at least once a week.
Yep, posted on Wednesday. I wrote a blog about how a horse can give us inspiration for our writing. Say what? I know it doesn’t any make sense, but go check is out. I guarantee you’ll walk away feeling good about yourself! I have to say that this once a week thing is working for me. I also think that it makes it easier for those who follow my blog to visit and comment. And I can’t thank you enough for all the support and wonderful comments that you leave on my site. You guys are awesome!

5- Visit and support 5 bloggers per day.
I am happy to say that I have read actually more than 5 bloggers per day. I have been reading them until my eyeballs fall out! And since I have now visited everyone from WANA1011, I thought it would be a good goal to try to go visit everyone from WANA112. Although I’m trying to figure out how to get a list of those bloggers. If anyone has a list or knows of a list, please let me know. Thanks!

6- Tweet at least once per day.
Yep, I was able to meet this goal and I’ve been busy all week tweeting to support others. And I would like to take this time to thank these awesome people for all their support and Twitter love!

@Angela_Peart @DianeCapri @_FabioBueno_@Judythe2 @DebraKristi @PrudenceMacleod @GeneLempp @DebraEve @jenjensen2 @ElaineSmothers @MarcyKennedy @MDragonwillow @SSchroeder @jenmariepowell @jhansenwrites @MelindaVan @crothhobsen @AugstMcLaughlin @BMcDowellOH @Suesan0814 @RickBylina @GingerCalem @DeborahJHughes @alanasaltz @MikeSchulenberg @RchelFunkHeller @JBLane @StacyGreen26 @MSMillerAU @AprilPlummer @SusieLindau @Ali__Dent @MerryFarmer20 @DebraEve

Thank you for your Tweets and Re-Tweets! I’m sending you all a big Hug!!!!

7- Exercise during the week.
Nope, I fell down on this one. I was sick at the beginning of the week and then, well, I just didn’t exercise. I have talked to Ginger Calem about this over at #writersbutt (I know, clever name eh?). Ginger said that she would partner up with me and kick my butt into gear. LOL! 🙂

So now I’m looking forward to a fresh new start to this week.

Oh, before you go be sure to check out these awesome blog posts from the past week that caught my eye:
Even though we all know that breaking up is hard to do, August McLaughlin put a new twist on this particular subject with her post, “Beautiful Breakups: What the Revision Process Can Teach Us.”

Rachel Funk Heller takes us all on a ride with her amazing post, “From Reader to Writer: The Driving Metaphor.” Rachel found that learning how to write is a lot like learning how to drive. Let’s just say that she’s giving us the spark that will start our engines so we can really go somewhere when writing our stories.

Then across the pond Jennifer Jensen take us for another ride. This time she’s “Driving on Irish Country Roads” with her family and it comes complete with a vlog of those perilous country roads. All I have to say is watch out for sheep and cows Jennifer! It’s all in great fun!

Now if you happen to have a techie question then Jenny Hansen’s your girl. She is a wiz on all things technical and last Tuesday she wrote a post on Linked-In called “Social Media Madness.” My sentiments exactly Jenny! It is madness, but thank you for talking some of us off the ledge!

And last but not least I want to include Donna Newton’s post “So You Want to be an Author?”—Part Two. In her post Donna helps break down the confusion by educating us on all the different genres that exist so we know where our writing fits in and what the rules are. Rules? I hate rules. But okay Donna, only because you say so. 🙂

Okay I did it. I got through another week and I’m not alone. There are others that are right beside me to help me along the way. So that I don’t irritate my wonderful supportive subscribers, feel free to delete my ROW80 posts if they start to irritate you. They probably won’t be all that interesting, unless…

Unless I can temp you all to join us over at the party at ROW80! Feel free to jump in anytime. See you there! 🙂

So what do you think? How did I do? I know I can still count on your support, right? Or you have my permission to come and give me a swift kick in the butt! Uh-oh, it looks like Ginger Calem has already beaten you to it! LOL! 🙂
If you enjoyed this, I encourage you to run right now to the top of the page and hit the follow button to receive future posts!

Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you!


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