“It’s My One Year Blogoversary Everybody!”
Whoa! Has it been one year already? Well, actually my one year blogoversary was a couple of months ago, October 30th to be exact, but I was no where to be found. 🙂
Yet, something like this is just too important to miss, don’t ya think?
So let’s get this party started, shall we?
Hey, do any of you remember this?
Ah, good times, good times.
I thought it might be interesting if we took a brief look back at all that’s been accomplished here on my blog over the previous year. What was my objective at the beginning of this blogging adventure? To find out, let’s take a peek and see if I even came close to hitting the mark.
Here’s what I said, “My hope is that through my writing I will be able to touch people’s lives and connect with others that will in someway benefit them and not just myself.”
Was that a load of crap? Well, I don’t know. Let’s see how I did?
It turns out I wrote 56 posts over the entire year. Not bad, since there was a whole lot going on as you well know. I had over 2300 comments, which granted some of them I’m quite sure were my replies in response to yours. But all and all, I couldn’t be happier. It’s always good to know that I am not out there talking to myself since I am of the belief that it’s not very healthy. Am I right Louise Biehel and Kassandra Lamb?
I also received a lot of visits from gazillions of spammers. You know, those freaky bots that try to invade your posts. And I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Akisment for that little configuration because if it wasn’t for them, we bloggers would go nuts. 🙂
I’ve had some wonderful guest bloggers in the house, starting with Donna Newton, then Colin Falconer, Natalie Hartford, Angela Peart, Barry Crowther, Tim L. O’Brien, Diane Capri, Bob Mayer, Katherine Owen and Julia Whitmore who shared their valuable knowledge and experience about the craft of writing.
And any time one of you would like to take a shot at a guest post on my blog, you have an open invitation to join in. We’d all love to hear from you!
Okay, so what else happened?
Well, I can’t say that anything earth shattering happened here. It’s not like we’re trying to solve all the problems of the universe or bring about world peace. 🙂
But we did have some fun talking about animals, both big and small that included a shark attack, a Gorilla and a cute little puppy that got stuck on a runaway train. We had someone stranded as if they were Tom Hanks at an airport for eight days. Tom Cruise jumped out a window from the tallest building in the world while Jon Bon Jovi fed people from a kitchen with a heart full of soul.
There were posts about sports, nature, artists, and food. A bittersweet post about making lemonade out of lemons and a very Sexy green leafy vegetable named Kale. *Shivers*
Yet, through it all, I tried to bring the gift of optimism to the forefront. That’s not always easy to do with everything that’s happened over the past year in everyone’s life. But even though I may still be “Hanging On For Dear Life”, as was the title of my first post, I feel a great sense of accomplishment and immense appreciation for all of you. For each week you showed up. Each week you came to support me. And for that I cannot thank you enough!
So what do you think? Can I “Hang” in there for another year? Was there a post over the past year that you particularly enjoyed? Is there a topic that you would like to see me blog about? And what about you? What’s changed since you started blogging and what has helped you on the road to success?
Thank you so much for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments!