Love Lies Within A Jungle


Lions are known as some of the most aggressive animals on the planet. So when this amazing photo captured a special moment in time, it created quite a buzz.

Yep, I’m buzzing! Here’s why…

“This picture depicts a cub as he meets his dad for the first time ever,” said the wildlife photographer who captured the meeting, Suzi Eszterhas. “It’s a major part of a lion’s life growing up.”

“When lion cubs are babies, the mom keeps them in a den for the first six to eight weeks of life, and it’s during this time that she keeps them very hidden,” Suzi said. “Afterward, she will bring them out and introduce them to the pride. It’s at that point, they meet dad for the first time.”

Suzi was able to capture this rare intense moment as she lay ensconced within a pride of lions on the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya over a three month period while living in Africa. These photos were captured in 2008/2009.

“That was literally the moment the cub first saw his dad ever,” Suzi said. “He kind of walked up shyly and then the dad immediately tried to play with him as the mom watched the whole time to make sure the dad behaves. The whole moment is really special.”


I’d say it was really special, wouldn’t you?


Because it portrays an intense bond that exists between one another—A connection, an attachment, a fierce breed of magnetism. And the beauty is:

It’s natural.

It has been said that Love is a virtue representing all kindness, compassion, and affection —“the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or even the animals.

Wikipedia brings out that, “Love or (affection) can also act as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.”

That’s very interesting since as you all know; we at times may make a menace of ourselves, though unintentionally. We may roar like a lion, but we don’t really mean to strike out nor do any harm. (See also last weeks post, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Just a Little Bit…)

Yet, it is Love or Affection that drives us to keep the peace and stick together. If you notice the intense gaze as the father meets his son, well, I don’t know about you, but that would not make me feel the least bit comfortable. But if I only depend on what things look like, (as in getting ready to be eaten alive), I would be mistaken. After all, isn’t it the innocent approach of this seven week old cub that promotes this peaceful union?

So even though our love may sometimes lie deep within a jungle of emotion, we can be confident that when on occasion we do roar like a lion, it is most likely an innocent hiss like this remarkable young cub.

What do you think? Are those not some of the most extraordinary moments that you’ve ever seen captured on film? Have you ever made a menace of yourself or roared unintentionally? What approach do you find that helps promote a peaceful union?

60 thoughts on “Love Lies Within A Jungle

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Natalie! I am so happy that you LOVED those pictures! They ARE so stunning! I can’t stop looking at them. But just so you know, tomorrow I have something else to share with your all and you’re not going to want to miss it! This is so exciting! Thanks Natalie for stopping by. 🙂

  1. Mike Schulenberg

    I’m pretty much a cat person, and that usually applies to giant cats as well, so these pictures are pretty awesome.

    I might’ve made a minor menace out of myself on occasion during the days of my youthful exuberance, but these days I’m pretty mellow 🙂
    Mike Schulenberg recently posted..The Algebra of the DamnedMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Mike! How is our WANA mathematical wizard, I mean genius? So glad you enjoyed the pics Mike. They are pretty awesome. So you like cats, eh? I can see that. So what you’re saying is that you don’t roar because you’re as mellow as a pussy cat, is that it? For some reason, I don’t think that your menacing days are completely over Mike. That would be boring and that you’re not. So a little meanacing is called for on occasion. I have found the trick to it is…how to stay out of trouble and not cause others to roar. LOL! Thanks Mike for stopping by and have a great week! 🙂

  2. Julia

    Hate to say it, but I roared a lot when my children were younger. Counted a lot too, as in – if you don’t stop teasing your brother within the count of … Wonder if lionesses resort to counting? “Simba if you don’t leave those hyenas alone by the count of ten, I’m telling your Uncle Scar!”

    Your post triggered a vague recollection about male lions killing cubs, and so got me looking up lion behavior on the Internet (they kill other males’ cubs when taking over a pride). Anyway, beautiful photos. You deserve to be full of “pride.” OK, dumb pun. Best —
    Julia recently posted..Getting to Know Our Inner TubesMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Julia! I’m sure you’re not alone when you said, “I roared a lot when my children were younger.” And as parents, I think we all excelled at counting. “Wonder if the lioness resorts to counting?” I love that Julia! You know, I cannot wait to read what you’re writing girl. I’m so happy you enjoyed those beautiful photos. Thank you for the compliment. I’ll take it anyway I can get it. With pride along with a pun. You’re amazing Julia! Thanks for stopping by and all the best to you! 🙂

  3. Tameri Etherton

    My heart is all aflutter with warm fuzzies right now. Those photos are amazing. The fact that the dad wanted to play says so much about the relationship within the pride. Kind of makes me want to watch ‘Lion King’ again. Definitely an ‘awe’ moment in my day. Thanks for sharing and your lovely words about love.
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..Fantasy Friday First Look at New BooksMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Tameri! “My heart is all aflutter with warm fuzzies right now.” I love that! Yes, warm fuzzies. I feel the same way every time I look those photos. Well Tameri, when I saw that picture of that Huge male lion as he gazed down at his cub for the first time, the words just flowed. It was love at first sight. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. I hope that all is well with you and your family Tameri. Thanks so much for coming by! Take care girl! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Alicia! We’re those pictures incredible? I know, I can’t stop looking at them. I am in awe. And you roar. I wouldn’t believe it even if it was true Alicia. Well we all have our moments, but you are too kind of a person. So glad you enjoyed this post and I hope all is well with you and Roy! Take care Alicia! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Debra! Aren’t those photos amazing! Well thank you Debra. Just looking at the affection between father and cub influenced my writing. It just touched my heart. I keep clicking on the page to look at them. I’m in awe. Yet, seriously, I can’t imagine you roaring at anyone. Although if I’m not mistaken, you do still have children at home. LOL! “talking softly but carry a big stick”. Can’t tell you how many times I heard that one when growing up. And it’s a keeper. No Debra Kristi, you’re a sweetheart. And now I can’t wait to see where Thor travels to next! What excitement Debra! Take care and have a great week! 🙂

  4. Alarna Rose Gray

    Sweet. That is beautiful. I could stare at that forever.

    “After all, isn’t it the innocent approach of this seven week old cub that promotes this peaceful union?” – totally agree.

    I adopted an angry homeless dog once. It was amazing to see him calmed by the one unstoppable positive force in the room – my other dog.

    Me – I don’t so much roar as maybe bare my teeth – or claw! But promise I don’t mean it 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Alarna! I have to say, I do love your name girl. Very unique, at least in my neck of the woods. Oh, isn’t that picture sweet? I just keep clicking on the page and gaze at that father and cub. I hope it gave you some peace as it has to me. Whoa. So one dog had that much influence over the other? Wow, that’s amazing! And somehow I get the feeling that you’re as sweet as a pussy cat Alarna. Nope, I can’t see you roaring. Thanks for coming by to see me and have a great week! Take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi August! Oh, thank you girl. When I saw the pictures, those were the emotions that I felt. I just connected to those beautiful animals. Well I too have been known to roar a time or two. But I have to say that it’s been a long time since someone has heard me roar. I try to keep it down to a hiss now. LOL! So glad you enjoyed this post. It was a work of love. Thanks again August and have a great week! 🙂

  5. Kara Flathouse

    These are amazing pictures that made me want to cry! I seldom roar, but when I do it is heard throughout the kingdom:) thank you for this moving post.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kara! Oh now see, I wanted to cry when I saw these photos for the first time too! They are just so amazing. “I seldom roar, but when I do it is heard throughout the kingdom.” LOL Kara! I couldn’t have said it any better! So glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for coming by and for all your support! 🙂

  6. Rachel

    Hi Karen! Great shots. Would you believe it, but my parents and I went on a photographic safari and traveled through the Masai Mara — it was an a amazing adventure — and I don’t have photos of something as unique as a cub meeting his dad for the first time, but we managed to get shots of a male and female lion — making babies.
    Great post and great words. Love is all there is.
    Rachel recently posted..Writing Matters: Hemmingway’s Iceberg TheoryMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Rachel? How are things in Hawaii girl? Oh, what a wonderful experience Rachel. How fortunate for you. I bet it was amazing. And well, ahem, photos of baby making, eh? Well, you did capture a rare moment indeed! And thank you very much. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. “Love is all there is” Thank you Beatles! Take care Rachel and have a great week! 🙂

  7. CC MacKenzie

    Fabulous photos, Karen!

    Yes, lion’s are amazing animals. In a pride all the males look after the young, especially from males in other prides because they would instantly kill them.

    And yes, this will come as no surprise to learn that I roar aplenty. However, I never hold a grudge – too exhausting – and my bark is a lot worse than my bite.

    Great post!
    CC MacKenzie recently posted..These Guys Are HOT – Just Say’in!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      HI Christine! How are you? We’ve both been spending a little time in the Jungle, I see! LOL! Funny! Don’t you just love those big kitties? You roar? Noooooo! But I do know your bark/roar is louder than your bite! Thank you sweetie for coming by my post. I hope you’re feeling okay! Take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kassandra! Never worry about catching up. In fact, is that at all possible? LOL! So glad you enjoyed the pictures Kassandra. It is because I thought these moments were special that I just had to write a post about it. Love is a powerful force within any specie, isn’t it? So happy I found you in my spam. Whose to know the ways of the wordpress theme. Yikes! Thank you so much for coming by and have a great week! 🙂

  8. Shannon Esposito

    Holy Moly! Those pics are amazing! And Suzi has got to be one special type of person to embed herself in a lion pride for three months!? Craziness, though I have to say I’m jealous. I bet the photos don’t even capture the emotional impact of witnessing that moment in person. Love. One of the greatest mysteries of the universe!

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey there Shannon! I know! You’re jealous? You can see yourself hanging around a pride all that time? Wow, Shannon. See, I learn something new about my WANA friends all the time. Oh, I bet you are so right girl. To really be there in person must’ve been unbelievable. You know Suzi is heading back there next week. So is was amazing that I caught her around to get permission to show her work. “Love, One of the greatest mysteries of the universe!” Love that Shannon! So glad you enjoyed this post! Thank you very much! Take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Melinda! How are you girl? So you love those kitties, do you? Can you imagine spending that amount of time imbedded within a pride of lions Melinda? It is just amazing to me. They are truly beautiful! Glad you enjoyed the photos girl. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jennette! Now I wouldn’t have pegged you for a sucker girl. But I’m so glad you find these photos the exception. And that they are indeed. Do people really roar in Ohio Jen? I know they love Camaros, but roar, I’m not sure about that. Take care and thanks for coming by! Have a great week! 🙂

  9. Patricia

    Those are amazing photos! I couldn’t lie amongst an entire pride of lions or three minutes much less three months. My goodness, that takes some courage.

    I love the photo of them playing. That is so sweet!

    Thanks for sharing the photos and the pictues. It does indeed capture the spirit of love and bonding.

    Patrcia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..It’s Two Games in One!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Patricia! I’m so happy you like the photos. Uh, moi, lie amongst the entire pride of lions? No thank you. But maybe that’s why we associate the lion with courage. Because it take a lot of courage to associate with the lion. LOL! And you know we’re all about the love around here Patricia! I hope everything is going well with you. Take care and have a great week! 🙂

  10. Lynn Kelley

    Wow, I love these photos. Soooooo cool. And I love your comment, “our love may sometimes lie deep within a jungle of emotion.” Yes, I’ve roared plenty of times, but I try to contain myself. Sometimes a situation needs some roaring for things to change and get better, but usually I try to listen to other people and see what’s below the surface, find out their point of view, and what they’re dealing with in their lives. Nice post, Karen!
    Lynn Kelley recently posted..60 Years After Eloping – Parenting Plights & DelightsMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lynn! How are you? Please tell me that things have settled down in your neck of the woods! I loved your post about your parent’s 60th anniversary. What a wonderful occation and very rare Lynn. So glad you loved these pictures. They are so special. And thank you so much for the compliment. I enjoyed writing this one. The words just seemed to flow. Yes, I agree, there is a time and place for a good roar from time to time. And I like your sentiment Lynn. “I try to listen to other people and see what’s below the surface.” That’s so important. Big hugs to you girl! Thanks for coming by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Myndi! How’s did it go with your book launch girl? I hope it was everything that you hoped for. I try to spread the book love as much as possible. And how the family and “Little Miss Took”? So glad you loved the pics and post. I loved writing it. And fell in love with the lions. Aren’t they amazing Myndi? Did you get a good look at the father’s eyes when he first takes a look at his cub? Wow! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Diane! Aw, thanks my dear friend. I noticed the first photo on the internet and then decided to get in touch with Suzi for her permission to use it on my post. She’s heading back to Africa next week, so it’s amazing that I got a hold of her. Now about ZuZu. She sounds like one bad cat with a lot of attitude. Meow! LOL! Have fun cat sitting Diane and thank you so much for stopping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Prudence! How are you healing up after your accident girl? I do hope you’re not too sore. Yes, “Love is the one true force of nature.” Well said Pru! I know you love animals. So glad you enjoy my big kitties Pru. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Pat! So you like kitties, do ya? Yes, I did notice the size of the father’s paw. And what did you think of those piercing eyes, that glare at his cub? As if he was warning the little fella to “watch yourself kiddo!” Yes, I would have to say that I’d feel much safer hugging one of your bitty cats, it I were you Pat. LOL! Take care and thanks so much for coming by! Have a great week! 🙂

  11. Marilyn Montaigne

    Hey Karen, What a wonderful story and pictures of love. It is the
    greatest power in the universe and unfortunately the most abused. I’m not a roarer! But I’ve met a few. Try to keep them at a distance! Have a fantastic day! Love ya, Carefree Marilyn

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey you! Great to see you here “Carefree” Marilyn! Love that title girlfriend! You like that story did you? I know, the pictures of those lions are not to be believed. And no, you would not be a roarer. LOL! No, not you girl! Yes, do keep at a distance. Thanks sweetie for coming by! You made my day! We miss you and Brad. Take care! 🙂

  12. Reetta Raitanen

    What lovely pictures, Karen. I roar at my little lion cubs when they’ve strayed my patience too thin but it’s forgotten in a moment. I resort to the good old ‘counting to ten’ trick when I feel my blood pressure raising. Just walking away for a while to cool down is helpful too.
    Reetta Raitanen recently posted..Link Feast For Writers, vol. 22My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Reetta! I’m so glad you enjoyed those pictures. “I roar at my little lion cubs”, I love that Reetta! Sometimes our little cubs need to hear our roar. Ah yes patience. That can get a bit strayed from time to time. Counting and walking away always worked for me. And sometimes our little cubs were sent to stand in the corner for a few minutes as a time out. It’s a good thing little cubs are so adorable. Thanks for stopping by Reeta! Have a great week! 🙂

  13. Sheila Seabrook

    Amazing, Karen. And how wonderful it must have been to wait so patiently for those shots, then be rewarded with such an awesome sight. 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Sheila! How are you? Those pictures are so amazing indeed. I cannot believe the patience it took for Suzi to capture those special moments. She is so talented. And it’s so cool that we can enjoy them from here. Which actually is how I would like to enjoy them. Not sure about hanging out with a bunch of lions. LOL! Although there are those who have admitted in their comments here that they enjoy a roar or two. So watch out Sheila! Thank so much for coming by. Always great to see you! Take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Karla! So glad you liked the pictures. They were awesome, weren’t they? And I can see that on certain occations a roar or two might be needed. A release of sorts. Thanks for sharing that Karla. Roar away girl! It’s a big jungle out there. LOL! Thank you for stopping by Karla! Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Fabio! You roar? I can’t imagine it. Although as a father, I can see where it may be neccessary at times. That’s what father’s are for. So let it roar Fabio! I’m so happy you enjoyed those amazing pictures. Suzi is so talented. What patience it took to capture those moments, eh? Thank you so much for coming by and for your support Fabio. Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Debra! That’s interesting. Well, yes, I do say your cats are related somewhere down the line Debra. Funny how they enjoy ruff-housing with your hubby. That’s cute. They certainly have quite the personality. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thank you for coming by and have a good week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lynette! I’m so glad you found the pics amazing. I still stare at the first one. The look of the father as he sees his cub for the first time. That’s special. And so are you Lynette. I took you for a pussy cat. And I think I’ll stay in the clear when and if you roar girl! Yikes! LOL! Take care and have a great week! Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Louise! Weren’t those awesome pics? You, frighten people? I cannot even imagine such a thing. I do not sense this about you and am pretty perceptive. Ah, que sera, sera. I agree Louise. But don’t sweat it. You’re a great person and well liked in this community. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks so much for coming by and have a great week! 🙂

  14. Catie Rhodes

    Amazing pictures. I didn’t know this about lion behavior. How interesting.

    To answer your other questions, I tend to roar to let people know I won’t put up with any nonsense. If you’re brave enough to stick around, I’m a loyal friend. But you have to get past that first roar…
    Catie Rhodes recently posted..The Ravages of TimeMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Catie! I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. I didn’t know the father was that involved in a young cubs life. Thanks for the heads up, but I like loyalty. I’ll watch out for the roar in the future! LOL! Take care and thanks for coming by! 🙂


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