As you can see, I held one out on you!
I know. I know. It couldn’t be helped. I just can’t get enough of those beautiful Lions.
Apparently, I am not alone. Last week’s post “Love Lies Within A Jungle”, received one of the highest number of visitors to this site. It seems that we all love animals!
So I thought, hmm, that’s interesting.
Perhaps I should give you a glance beyond the jungle this week and expose the person who is responsible for those amazing pictures—wildlife photographer Suzi Eszterhas.
Suzi Eszterhas lives in the San Francisco bay area, but because she spends nine months out the the year away shooting taking photos of a wide variety of animals in the wild, I guess you could say her real home is Africa.
In recent years, she has specialized in documenting family life of endangered species and has become well known for her unprecedented work with newborn animals. Her photographs are published in books, magazines and newspapers all over the world, including the front covers of “Time” and the “Smithsonian”.
As you can imagine, Suzi has won many awards, including those from the National Wildlife Federation, Nature’s Best and Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Although she primarily works in Africa, she has also undertaken commissions and led photography tours and workshops in the Antarctica, the Arctic, Alaska and Montana. Well, as you can see, just about everywhere.
In fact today she is headed back to Africa to teach a current workshop and wildlife tour. I could go on and on about her involvement with several International Wildlife Conservation groups, but what I really wanted to point out to you is this:
Suzi Eszterhas is a fellow writer.
Isn’t that cool? Who knew?
But before I get into that, I just had to ask…What attracted Susi to become a wildlife photographer? Was it her love of nature? Her passion for photography? Or was her childhood love of animals?
This was Suzi’s answer. “For me the attraction to wildlife photography has always been more about the animals than the photography. Though I love photography, wildlife has always been my biggest passion. I find animal behavior fascinating and learned very early on that knowing your animal subject is critical in taking good wildlife photographs. You must know where and when to find your subject, how to get close to it, and how to predict what an animal might do next in order to capture that special moment.”
And when we study each picture on this page, we can see Suzi’s passion for that special moment shining right on through.
As I mentioned above, Suzi Eszterhas is also a writer and she has produced a new series of children’s books that follow the lives of baby animals from their birth to adulthood as they grow up in the wild.
I had originally contacted her, after sighting that gorgeous picture of the father lion and his cub on the internet, wanting her permission to publish it on my blog. But after our correspondence by email, Suzi admitted that she had released these fabulous books.
And the name of this series is: “Eye on the Wild”.
Copies are available on Suzi’s website or on
These beautifully photographed books are for young children ages 4-7. They show all aspects of the animal’s life in the wild, with close-up pictures of the family group in its natural habitat. The books also include conservation information and useful websites.
If you have any young children or grandchild, you’ll want to be sure to check them out. They are so adorable. What child or adult for that matter wouldn’t want to read one of these books!
So what do you think? Which one is your favorite among the animal kingdom? Do you have any animals at home? Do you love photography? Have you ever contemplated going on a Wildlife Safari?
Be assured that I am forwarding your many comments to Suzi. But it might take awhile for her to reply do to the distance and her remote circumstances. 🙂
Thanks everyone!
Hey Karen, there’s the power of the internet right here in this post. Awesome. I think I’ve even seen those books around, too! It would be amazing to be a wildlife photographer. I don’t think I’d ever come back… 🙂
Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..The Goose that Got Away
Hey girl, how are you Alarna? May I just say that you make an excellent point. Who would want to come back from such a beautiful place amongst the magnificence of those gorgeous animals? Suzi Eszterhas has amazing talent. So glad you enjoyed her pics! And I’m also glad you made some time to pop over to say hi! Thank you Alarna! Please take care and have a great week! 🙂
What a wonderful post, Karen. Thanks for featuring Suzi’s amazing, beautiful photos. Her children’s book series looks awesome. I know Punkin would love all her animal books. I bet they sell well.
Karen, your blog posts rock, you know that?
Lynn Kelley recently posted..Summer is Slippin’ Slidin’ Away – Parenting Plights & Delights
Aw Lynn, thank you so much for the compliment! And since you said that, I have no idea what I’m going to post this week. LOL! But I’m so glad you enjoyed Suzi’s pictures. And she was clever, wasn’t she, to use her photos with children in mind? Lynn, I hope that all is well in your neck of the woods! Take care my friend! 🙂
Melt me already! I love animals so much. Suzie truly captures their awesomeness. 🙂 It’s tough to pick a favorite animal, but I tigers, elephants, bull dogs and birds rank high on my list. Thanks for the lovely post!
August McLaughlin recently posted..Daydreams Really Do Come True
Oh August, yes, melt! I know what you mean. I am in awe of Suzi Eszterhas. You can see her love of animals in every photo. And I can tell from your Facebook posts that you LOVE animals. I’ve noticed bull dogs and birds. They round out your family well. I hope you enjoyed your mini vacation in Washington state August. It’s a beautiful area. I know you’ll write more about it. Can’t wait! Thanks for coming by to see me and have a great week! 🙂
Beautiful. thanks for introducing her to us.
Louise Behiel recently posted..In Memorium: September 11, 2001
HI Louise! So glad you enjoyed these beautiful pictures. It was my pleasure to do the introductions. Suzi has an amazing talent. Hope you have a great week and thanks for dropping by! 🙂
What great photos, Karen. Thanks so much for sharing these. Wonderful!
Hi Diane, how are you? I hope your technical difficulties are overwith girl. This has NOT been your week. And then to be right in the middle of Fast Draft. Well, I can see that a virus can run havoc in a Fast Draft schedule. LOL! I know, not funny. So glad you could take a few moments to enjoy what nature has to proffer. They do have a way of melting your heart. Take care Diane and get back to work now! LOL! 🙂
Awww! Someone is going to be making We Bought A Zoo 2…staring me. I love these pictures!
Kristy K. James recently posted..A Touching Show of Respect
Hi Kristy! Awww, is right! So glad you loved the pics! Thanks for stopping by and have a good week! 🙂
Beautiful pictures, Karen. Suzy has a real lovely eye for taking pictures of these wild creatures. I would love to go on an African safari and experience this in person.
HI Sheila! How are you girl? How’s the new book doing out there? I’m so happy you enjoyed Suzi’s beautiful pictures. Ah see, you and Shannon should go together on safari. She mentioned how much she has always wanted to do that. And she loves photography also. So feel free to check out Suzi Eszterhas’ website. There are lots more pics and information about Suzi’s safari and photo tours. Sounds like an amazing opportunity Shiela. I think you should go for it girl! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week! 🙂
Lions, cheetahs, gorillas! Oh, my! How can I choose just one? All the big cats, gorillas and chimps – heck — all wildlife, especially the babies, have been favorites of mine since I was very young. And I LOVE Suzie’s books.
Lynette M. Burrows recently posted..Powerful Words
Hi Lynette! How are you and hubby doing? So glad you loved the pics and books. It’s hard NOT to love them, isn’t it? I could just stare at them all day. But then I would not get anything done around here. LOL! Thanks for coming by and checking on me Lynette. Things are slow going this week, but I’ll be by soon to see ya. It’s been a busy week. Hope yours is going well. Take care my friend! 🙂
What incredible photos. I think the one of the penguins is my favorite (I love penguins). And I think it’s awesome you got a chance to talk to the photographer and ask her about her process. As something of a photographer myself, I always appreciate finding out why people pursue the subjects they do. Great post!
Alana recently posted..Overcoming Creative Paralysis
Hi Alana! How are you girl? So glad to see you! Can’t wait to come visit you! And you are not alone. Those penquins are a favorite here! And yes, it was an awesome opportunity to meet Suzi and share her process with you all. You know, that’s just me Alana. It can’t hurt to ask, right? But see, you love photography, so I can imagine just how much you enjoyed seeing those photos and learning from Suzi. Please feel free to hop over to Suzi Eszterhas’ website. There is a lot more information there and loads of mouth-watering pictures that I know will make you squeeek with happiness Alana! Thank you so much for coming by and have a great week! 🙂
Oh, I’m definitely checking out those books for my 6 yr. old boys! I’m sure the images in them are priceless.
Actually, taking an African photo safari has always been one of my dreams. In my twenties, I seriously started to plan one, but anxiety got the best of me. Now, I just go to Disney’s Animal Kingdom with my 300mm lense and pretend like I’m there 🙂
Oh, and the orangutans are my favorite! I also wanted to go to help out in an orangutan sanctuary. Another dream. Who knows, maybe after my kids are all grown and don’t need me anymore I can go cuddle some baby apes 🙂
shannon esposito recently posted..A Grand Adventure!
Oh Shannon, how perfect for your boys!!!! Can you imagine what the pictures are like in those books? They MUST be priceless if you measure them by what we’ve seen, right? LOL, Disney’s Animal Kingdom! That’s the way to do it Shannon. Although you know, our very own Rachel Funk Heller has been on a safari. Not too many people can say that. But I can tell that you love photography. So you would really enjoy a safari. Take a look at Suzi Eszterhas’ site, cause you know, some dreams do come true! Thanks Shannon! Take care and have a great week! 🙂
Love the new lion-and-cub pic and the shot of the diving penguins, but that baby cheetah stole my heart.
Thanks, Karen!
Pat O’Dea Rosen recently posted..Life Lessons Learned from Reality Cooking Shows
Thank you Pat! Yes! “That baby cheetah stole my heart.” The moment I saw that picture I was in love. Can you even imagine what it was like to actually be there in person seeing it live? What an amazing opportunity that must have been. What is it about babies Pat? Human or otherwise. They just are so adorable. And it was very clever on Suzi’s part to put her pictures to good use by writing those children’s books. They really touch your heart. Glad you enjoyed the pics Pat. Take care and have a wonderful week! 🙂
Beautiful photos! I can’t pick just one. Love looking at animal photos and programs. The last documentary I saw, Frozen Planet was amazing. I did love those penguins!
Coleen Patrick recently posted..Chasing Inspiration with Scissors
HI Coleen! I totally agree. It is impossible to pick just one. But may I ask, what is the Frozen Planet? Don’t mind me, I need to get out more often. LOL! Seriously, I’ve never heard of it. Glad you enjoyed the penguins. They are adorable! And thanks for coming by Coleen. Have a great week! 🙂
It was a nature documentary series on the discovery channel. Super fascinating! 🙂
Coleen Patrick recently posted..Chasing Inspiration with Scissors
Thanks Coleen! It does sound super fascinating. I bet I can find it on Netflix. I will check it out! 🙂
I’m going to have to go with the wily octopus as my favorite animal. Or maybe it’s the owl. Or is it the cat? So many awesome animals out there, it’s hard to choose.
Mike Schulenberg recently posted..The Algebra of the Damned
Hi Mike! Interesting, the wily octopus, eh? Would you be the one that started that story over in WANA112? Just wondering. Owls are really cool. When I lived in Arizona, there was an owl that hung out around the neighborhood. They must be territorial because he was there for several years. And he was a very stout old owl, sitting on top of his perch, (a lamp post) hooting, making himself known. Now, I don’t know if you’re into photography like math Mike, but I really think Suzi has a talent that draws us to each an every animal’s picture. Hope you have a great week and thanks for coming by! Oh, and say hello to the cat! 🙂
Actually, I believe the octopus story was Laird Sapir’s idea. But I might have been responsible for generating interested in octopoids in general because of a couple of my early blog posts.
Your neighborhood owl sounds pretty cool. I really like that “hoo-hoo-hoo!” sound they make 🙂
And I wouldn’t say I’m into photography, but I discovered how fun it can be when I took a camera on my first trip to another country. I’ve developed more of an appreciation for photography since then.
Mike Schulenberg recently posted..There’s Something a Myth: Psyche and Cupid
Aha! So it WAS you who started the seed of the idea, Laird planted and WANA112 made it grow. Well it was a lot of fun to read Mike. I’ve seen your photos from Norway, was it? So let’s see, that would be Math, English, writing and photography. Did I get everything? You’re a talented man! 🙂
As writers we try to catch that special moment too and it’s wonderful when it works. Suzie’s photos are breathtaking. The lion and cub may still be my favorite but each one of these pictures brings up such strong emotion. What a talent Suzie has.
Hi Karla! “As writers we try to catch that special moment too.” I love how you made the comparison between artists Karla. It is wonderful when those special moments happen. You are so right. If we capture the moment, whether as a writer or photographer, it can bring up very strong emotions. So glad you enjoyed Suzi’s work of art. Thank you for stopping by and have a great week Karla! 🙂
All of Suzi’s photos are extraordinary. The little books are so cute. That is so cool that she’s a writer as well as photographer. My favorite? I don’t know. Probably the one where the lion met his son for the first time (on your first post). That just had so much emotion and power in it. I also like the jaguars. And the penguins. Don’t make me pick! I love them all.
Tameri Etherton recently posted..The Sadistic Voodoo Masseuse
Hi Tameri! Have you recovered yet from your massage? LOL! You do know how to write a good story girl. Wow, what an experience. And I would have to agree with you Tameri. I too loved the same picture from last week. It was the emotion and power of that moment that drove me to seek Suzi out. She’s really talented. Can you imagine how beautiful those pictures are contained within those cute book covers? I think adults would enjoy them as much as children. But then, I just love animals. Glad you enjoyed them and thanks so much for dropping by! 🙂
Such beautiful photographs and I know there is a story to be told with each of them!
Great introduction to an amazing photographer!
Hey Susie, how are you? See, I knew you’d love those photos being that you love nature and the outdoors. And what insight you have, “I know there is a story to be told with each of them!” Very cool of you to say that. Thank you so much for coming by and introducing yourself to Suzi! Take care and have a wonderful week! 🙂
Wow, Karen, Suzie’s photos are extraordinary. Loved them all. Thanks so much for introducing us to another gifted artist and animal lover.
Prudence MacLeod recently posted..Free books and Bling!
Hi Prudence! I think you would have to have a love for animals in order to take pictures like that, wouldn’t you Prudence? The love just jumps right off each and every picture. Yes, Suzi’s pictures are extraordinary! Thanks Pru and have a great week! 🙂
Squeeeee! Penguins!!! They are my favorite! In addition to the two Rottweilers, we also have the gerbils and a turtle. These books look adorable – some of my coworkers have young kids; I’m pulling this up at lunch to show them.
Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Misfit Monday: Home on the Web
Hi Jennette! Aren’t those penguins cute? How does one capture a picture like that? It’s a gift. Okay, in other words, you have two HUGE dogs! Do they get along with the gerbils and the turtle? I’m so glad you like Suzi’s books. Thank you so much for wanting to share them and for coming by! 🙂