Hi Everyone!
What’s that smell?
Wait just a moment while I open up a window in here to let some fresh air in so that we can all breathe. There, that’s much better! Can you feel it? Can you feel that fresh salt infused ocean breeze from the Pacific rolling over the page?
Ah, yes…Refreshing!
Don’t mind the surfer. He’s just playing around in my backyard. 🙂
Now where was I?
Oh yes, that’s what happens when you get sick and leave a blog unattended. Things around here got mighty stagnant over the last couple weeks. Silence blazed through the pages of this ghost-like blog leaving it shattered in quiet desolation in the blogosphere. Why I’m still cleaning up all the cobwebs and dust bunnies.
Yet, with all the talk and the worry while I was away, life went on. You all kept connected, busy with your blogs, tweeting and posting on Facebook with others. I on the other hand felt like I was locked away in a cold dark dungeon and was finally set free to wreak havoc see the light. And what do I find? Myndi Shafer had her baby girl minus a gall bladder, August McLaughlin sang on her blog with a guitar (very nice by the way) and Tim L. O’Brien posted on his blog.
Say what? Tim’s blogging again? Is this still the year 2012? 🙂
When you’re forced into solitary confinement, a la infection, you make a choice as to how you might spend your days. At first you are too sick to care. Then as time wears on, you make a conscience choice: do you wallow in self-pity and depression or will you look at things in a more positive way.
I was inspired by all the wonderful encouraging posts that my dear WANA friends wrote while I was incarcerated. Because of weakness I left very few comments, but yes, be assured, I did read them. What a fine group of talented people who are willing to share a part of their lives, their world, their dreams or a splice of nature —a part of their many precious gifts.
Then I thought about how outstanding and versatile we all are and just how much our many differences make up the truly magnificent world that we live in. Some have a gift with an ear to hear and compose whimsical music. Some have a gift with an eye to see images capturing them in photos and canvasses. Some have a gift with a nose to smell and develop seductive scents and fragrances. Some have a gift of taste with a talent for preparing delectable dishes. Some have a gift with a mind able to calculate astonishing logical equations. And then there are those who have the unique capability to harness all those senses to create bright new worlds to share with the rest mankind.
Ah yes, the writer.
And for this, I am forever grateful. Grateful because if not for the writer and my new found love for my kindle, I would’ve completely lost my mind! Instead, I was able to indulge myself through the passage of wonderful stories. Stories that took me to another world, to far away places. First I spent time on a farm in northern Florida and then in a small country town in South Carolina. Then I found myself stranded on a deserted island to be finally rescued by helicopter after nearly drowning in a historical tsunami. Whew, that was a close call!
Not to mention all the new releases on Amazon over the past recent weeks from all my multi talented WANA friends. And I’m afraid that I may have missed some of them. So because I appreciate all your many precious gifts, here’s what I would like you to do. In the comment section below, please leave the name of your present novel and a brief description of your latest endeavor so that none of you will be missed. And just to even the score, let’s open this thing up to everyone, whether you’re writing a first draft or for those of you who have already published a novel.
Let’s have some fun with this. We’re all anxious to know what you’ve been working on! You all deserve the recognition! So bring it on and let’s appreciate our many precious gifts!
So what do you think? Did you miss me? It’s okay, lie if you have to! LOL! I missed all of you! 🙂
Would you like to see more great posts like you saw today? Then I encourage you to go now! Run up to the top right hand side of the page and click on the Follow button to receive your personal copy of future posts!!!!
Thank you everyone for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments! 🙂