Tag Archives: Julian Fellowes

Million Dollar Smash-Up!

Well really it was more like a four million dollar smash up and could be considered the most expensive car crash ever! Some of you may have already heard about it. It happened last month on a highway in Japan when a driver lost control of his car on a wet road while changing lanes and had hit a barrier before spinning back across the road.

The cars involved a total of eight Ferraris that included two Ferrari F430s (one was the race-ready Scuderia worth more than $400,000), two Ferrari 360 Modenas (each worth almost $200,000), two Ferrari F355s (each worth about $150,000), a Lamborghini Diablo (one of the most expensive supercars of the 1990s and still likely worth a handsome $200,000) and three Mercedes Benz.

Why I nearly broke down and cried. If you’re like me and feel the need for speed and love fast cars like I do, this was truly a heartbreaker.

But what I really had wanted to share with you today was a…

Million Dollar Mash-Up!
Blog posts worth a million praises that we could never put a dollar amount to!
Have you ever thought what it would be like to live without water?
Julia Whitmore has written a beautiful post entitled “Thirsty” about the fragility of life living with or without water. Go take a peek. I think you’ll find that this post will definitely quench your thirst.

On a Historical note, Debra Eve wrote an interesting post entitled “Edith Wharton: Beyond Downton Abbey”. Downton Abbey on PBS has become one of the hottest series on Television. It has an outstanding cast of talented actors and Julian Fellowes’ superb screenwriting captures conflict in every scene along with a stunning array of award winning costumes. That said, Debra helps us to see why Edith Wharton was really the true master of writing about this period.

Now let’s get technical for a moment, shall we?

Jenny Hansen is a well known name in the blogging world with good reason. She not only shares her knowledge about “Risky Baby Business”, but can literally knock you off your feet with laughter. As a Techie, she now has a series of posts on Triberr, a new network designed to help save time with all things Social Media. Save time you say? With Social Media? Where do I sign up? Don’t hyperventilate! You can sign up right here.

Well, well, well, who do we have next?

Does the name Bob Mayer ring a bell? Of course he does. Especially if you are a loyal subscriber to my post since I’ve been reporting on his class that I am taking.
What, you’re not a subscriber? Are you missing out!
Go now and sign up at the top right corner of this page. Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you…
(Tapping foot… Hmm, hmm, hmm…Whistles…Looks around the ceiling.)
Okay, are you done? Good. Thank you very much. You won’t be sorry! 🙂

Bob wrote a blog last weekend, on January 22nd to be exact, that dealt with a certain subject that most writers forget to put into the equation of this writing business. MONEY. That’s right. MONEY. Apparently most writers aren’t comfortable discussing this subject, but if you know Bob, he’s out to change this. Pronto! So check out his post, “Reflection on the Best Seller’s List vs. The Long Tail”. This will give you a goal to shoot for!

Since I just received my new Kindle a couple of weeks ago, this sweet tweet caught my eye immediately. (Don’t tell me Twitter doesn’t work.) In this post April Plummer wrote about how “The EReader Has Changed My Life and I Like It!” Take a look at this one as April explains how she was a die hard paper book reader and held out as long as she could until her husband introduced her to the iPad and now this girl is hooked!

Now last but not least, Amber West wrote a very touching post on her Friday Inspiration blog. I know, I know, it was last Friday—five whole days ago and there have been a gazillion blogs posted since then, but listen up. In this post Amber refers to herself as Oprah, only poorer. But what dear Amber did for someone who she didn’t know because of this horrible economy, is simply amazing. She has got THE biggest heart and we can all learn from her example. Please make the time and go read, “Social Media for the Good!” if you haven’t already. It is a wonderful story with a happy ending!

Okay, I think that about wraps this Million Dollar Mash-Up!

Please be sure to visit these fine people and leave a brief comment to share a little blog love across our talented blogosphere! 🙂

So what do you think? Have you had the opportunity to read any of these wonderful posts? Have you been able to keep up with reading your blogs? If not, why not give Triberr a try? And if you are already on Triberr, please tell me how you like it? How does it work for you and does it save you any time?

Thank you for your many fine thoughts and comments everyone!


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