A couple of weeks ago, I found this on my Facebook feed. Personally, I think Murphy had something to do with it. I never know what that Pelican is up to.
When at first glance, I thought it was a nice play on words. After all, it involves the beach. And let’s face it, who of us doesn’t like to change our focus to a place we would normally go on vacation.
But, as I looked closer, I noticed this was more than just a mere clever attempt in making a statement. These were words of advice, a real life savor, an ocean full of guidance and counsel to give real meaning to our lives.
So, I began to meditate on what was said. I placed my blanket down on the beach, settled my belongings, dug my feet into the cool damp sand, then took a deep cleansing breath and peered out at the refreshing blue body of water.
Ah yes. I felt the stress roll off my entire body.
Yet, what did this all really mean?
For each one of us, it might mean something totally different. But since this is my post, I thought I’d jump in and take a stab at it. I hope you’ll share your viewpoint in the comment section below. 🙂
Be Shore of Yourself. Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle with this one a lot. I think it goes with the territory of being a writer. I try to appreciate my own strengths and abilities, but it’s hard to be confident on a daily basis when I think that what I just wrote is a piece of rubbish. I definitely have to work on this one.
Come out of Your Shell. This one’s a biggie too. And I’m not sure if this has anything to do with being an extrovert or introvert. I guess it could. But for me, it’s a matter of trust. If I’m the one that’s sticking my neck out, I want to make ‘shore’ that someone’s not going to bite my head off. So far, so good! But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I’ve been known to put my foot in my mouth. I know. Shocking!
Take Time to Coast. Well, since I’m sitting on the beach, breathing in the fresh salt-infused air, meditating, I’m putting this one into practice. But who of us doesn’t struggle with this? It’s not going to happen unless we schedule it in. We all have so much to do, in any given day. But there are times when we just need to coast. We need time to relax and recharge our minds and bodies or our ability to create will suffer. To be honest, it really affects every aspect of our life. So this is a must do. Somehow, SOMEHOW, we must find the time and give ourselves permission to coast. Even it it’s just for a little while. Yes, Relax and breathe!
Avoid Pier Pressure. Let’s face it, we all like to be accepted and appreciated by our friends. But even as adults, we sometimes struggle with feelings of inadequacy—that we just don’t quite fit in—that we may not meet the standards or requirements that others may expect of us. As you can see, the pier is connected to the shore. And we can find ourselves in deep water if we don’t stop comparing ourselves to others and come to appreciate our own strengths and capabilities. We all ROCK in our own way, you know?
The cool thing about this is, no matter where we live, there’s beauty. It can be in the smallest of things that will fill our hearts with joy and laughter. Yet, for us to truly gain appreciation, we must make the time to coast!
Don’t Get Tide Down. I think this is related how we spend our energy. As I sit here and watch the tide, I have to admit, it has a very strong pull. It can be high or it can be low. If we’re tide down too much, it can be a waste of our energy. And who of us has extra energy these days? So, balance seems to be the key. It’s what keeps a surfer on his board, right? If we keep balanced, we will not allow ourselves to be tided down with all the negativity and we’ll be able to perform at our best!
Make Waves! Yes, yes, yes! Don’t just stick your toe in it. Jump in and make a big splash and enjoy the ripple effect in everything that you do! I’m still working on this one. How about you?
So what do you think? Do you like to stand at the shore or jump in and make waves? Do you like to take a walk on the pier or would you rather stay in your shell? What kind of beauty has life thrown in your direction lately?
Cheers everyone! Thank you so much for all your support and wonderful comments!
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Super cool post, Karen. I really enjoyed this. Coming out of my shell is a tough one, but always worth it.
We missed you last night. Hope hubby is doing better today. Sorry it’s taken so long to get over here to visit your blog. Am behind in everything, overwhelmed – like maybe in a bit too deep and having to tread water much of the time. Then when the tide deposits me like a clump of seaweed on the sand, I brush myself off and pretend like it was quite a refreshing little dip in the freezing Pacific. Going in deeper than up to my ankles is way out of my comfort zone, but sometimes we just have to push ourselves, don’t we?
Murphy is a great side kick for your blog. Very enjoyable post! You go, girl!
Lynn Kelley recently posted..Bathroom Bling For The Mother Who Has Everything!
Hi Lynn! I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I thought the meme was a very clever play on words. Thanks Lynn. I missed you guys too. Hubby is hanging in there. Thanks for asking. You’ve been a great support my dear friend. I always appreciate your visits! And I understand treading water. I think we all can stretch beyond our comfort zone and end up pushing ourselves. It’s a never ending cycle. Just be sure to take time to coast! Take care and have a great week! 🙂
Wonderful post, Karen! Just yesterday, I was at Ochlocknee Bay in the Gulf of Mexico at beach called Mashes Sands for the very reason(s) that your post covers, in other words every play on words fit. I could not stay long nor am I able to go often but every time I do, I like to think I bring a bit of it home with me for all those moments yet to come when my visit will roll by as a memory, full of life and joy. In that same regard, I will remember your post.
KM Huber recently posted..On Either Side of the Windowpane
Oh Karen, I do understand what you mean. Being near a body of water helps us to coast, release life’s stresses. And then, when the time comes, we can revisit those memories that bring us joy when we most need it. I’m so happy you enjoyed this post. 🙂
I love this! It is great advice and I think that now that I’ve seen them laid out this way I can see how they relate to each other. We have to be confident in ourselves in order to come out of our shells. And once we do that, it is easier to coast. I am going to read this again so I can get to the point where I am comfortable making waves. 🙂
Emma Burcart recently posted..Just Say, “Thank You!”
Hi Emma! I’m so glad this resonated for you. I know it did for me. Yes, confidence is required along with a little faith to stick our necks out. I hope you and I can reach a point where we’re able to make a big splash. I believe in making waves! 🙂
And if you’re in over your head, kick your legs like hell.
Dale Amidei recently posted..Collection One now available on Kindle!
…And head for the surface Dale! But I certainly hope that no one I know is drowning. As for me, I’m going to coast on a pier along the shore. 🙂
Some lovely musings, Karen! There’s nothing more important than taking time out to reset ourselves to a slower pace 🙂
You are so right Yvette. Thank you. I hope that you’re able to reset and take the time to coast. Yep, it’s good advice. 🙂
This is beautifully thought out and organized, Karen. Love that it’s inspired by a picture of a great motivational piece. None of these are easy for me, but #3 and #5 are probably the hardest for me on a regular basis because they boil down to time. Something that’s so hard to find around here. 😀
Debra Kristi recently posted..Do You Suffer from Social Handicap Disorder (SHD)?
Well thank you Debra! Good to know it came across organized. Thought out, yes. Organized? I wasn’t quite shore. But then again, I’m never shore about my posts and how they’ll come across. Like I said, I’m still working on that one. It’s hard to find the balance. Only we know our limitations and when to say when. Hope you can find time to coast and enjoy the beauty girl! In the meantime there is the beauty that surrounds you…your beautiful family. Take care Debra! 🙂
What terrific advice, Karen! I’m definitely a diver, but like most folks, I struggle with self-doubt and impatience at times. I’ve been savoring the beauty of remarkable people I’ve met lately, and the feeling of stepping further and further into authenticity. I also cherish inspiring friends like you, and posts like this one. 🙂 Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend!
August McLaughlin recently posted..Addie Vincent and Mia Isabella: Taking the Taboos Out of Trans*
Hi August! Yes, it would seem that you dive right in girl. And that’s what we love about you! I can sea that you will rise to the occasion and not let self-doubt and impatience win. It’s a balancing act that we all work to achieve. Thank you for the compliment my friend. I’m so glad you found this post inspiring. And as writers that belong to the same flock, I think we inspire each other! Take care and I continue to wish you much success! 🙂
Some great advice here! I love how you took a meme and translated it into your feelings about life and being a writer. I personally do try to make waves, but sometimes I just need to stand in a calmer tide and relax.
Hi Alana! I’m glad you found them helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about that meme. It just resonated with me and I thought more could be gleaned from it. Now, that’s interesting. Of course I don’t know you well, but you seem calm and relaxed. At least that’s what comes across in your post. Although it doesn’t hurt to make a waves if the need should arise. Keep at it. You’re doing great! Thanks Alana for sharing your thoughts! 🙂
I agree with all of those points! Not that I’ve mastered any of them–although I love taking the time to see life’s beauty! I consider it a good day if I’ve tried something (even tiny) in the areas that are important to me. Love this post, Karen. 🙂
Coleen Patrick recently posted..The Chocolate Made Me Do It
Coleen, I think you’ve mastered “taking time to see life’s beauty” girl. No doubt about that. You capture it well in your photos you share with us. You have a real talent with the lens. Personally, I don’t think any of us can master all of them. But I appreciated the advice. Again, it takes balance and we’re all working on that. Thanks Coleen for sharing your thoughts! 🙂
I’m creeping out from my shell to tell you how much I enjoyed this post, Karen. I’m good at avoiding pier pressure but should make a few waves. Did I say how glad I am you’re blogging again? I missed you. No, no, I’m not teary-eyed, Karen. There’s sand in my eye.
Pat O’Dea Rosen recently posted..Bluebonnet Madness
Pat, Pat, Pat! I am so glad to see that you creped out of your shell! I have missed you terribly! And I am teary-eyed. No sand in my eyes. Girl, we’ve got to get this thing with your site fixed. I feel like my hands are tied. I want to comment on your posts! We’re going to have to look into this again. Meanwhile, keep avoiding the pier pressure. Good to know it wasn’t me. lol! Take care my friend and I’ll try to keep up the blogging. ((Hugs!)) 🙂
Ah yes, the Murphys are wise folk indeed. That shore is good advice, all of it. for the record, I have to tell you, if you go to Nova Scotia, you will find they pronounce (sure) as (shore) so…Shore was fun reading your post, Karen. Sea you later!
prudencemacleod recently posted..Growing Old?
Ha, ha, ha, Prudence, you crack me up. But you are right. Murphy’s are wise people! Shore glad you shared that little information with me. I didn’t know that. It sounds similar to a New England accent in the U.S. Thank you Pru and sea you later! 🙂
Love this! I think I struggle most with “pier pressure” — always expecting too much of myself or assuming whatever I’m doing isn’t enough. I forgot who said “Comparison is the thief of joy,” but that about sum it up. BTW, I know I’ve mentioned it before, but your new Interwebs abode is gorgeous, Karen!
Debra Eve recently posted..Was Late Bloomer John Muir the Father of Steampunk?
Oh, I am so glad Debra! And I love that quote girl. How true. I do the same thing. Always expecting too much of myself. I think we all are overwhelmed with too many demands and it’s impossible, or unrealistic to achieve everything. Why we torment ourselves, I have no idea. Perhaps we need to give ourselves permission to coast a little more, eh? Thanks so much for the compliment. I feel at home with my new digs and I hope y’all do too. Take care girl! 🙂
I think I struggle most with the first three, but with the coasting at the top of my list. Even when I’m not doing what I’d like to be doing (because of the energy issues), I stress about it. Maybe if I’d learn to coast through those moments, I’d have more energy, lol. Great post, lady. 🙂
Kristy K. James recently posted..Sunday Sweethearts #1
Kristy, even though I think we all struggle with one thing or another, coasting seems to be winning out at the top of everyone’s list. Sleep might be a form of coasting girl. Although that seems to be another struggle for many of us. We could use more energy. Take care of yourself and thank you so much for your thoughts. 🙂
I liked this on Facebook too – you must have shared it! For me, Take Time to Coast and Avoid Pier Pressure are intertwined. There’s a lot of pressure out there to keep up with same standards of busy-ness as everyone else. And yet, it’s the one thing that stops us from being properly effective and reflective in our lives. A difficult thing to master, being okay with seeming ‘inactivity’. But if there’s one thing the beach is good for…it’s to stop. Lovely post 🙂
Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..Evolution
You caught me Alarna. Yes, I did share this on FB. I feel the same way you do. Looks like we have that in common girl. That’s why I love coast at the beach. Thank you so much! 🙂
The first two seem to be the hardest for me these days. I’m shore I don’t know nearly as much as I thought I did. Especially when it comes to writing. When I was younger I was so damn shore of myself in just about everything I did, now I too often question my abilities (esp. as a writer and the prospect of “success”), but perhaps that’s simply because I understand now that I don’t know everything. When we’re young we tend to think we do so we’re less open to learning. Work in progress. 😉
Great reminders to slow down and enjoy the journey. I hope you’re feeling better today, Karen, and practicing lots of number 3. Hugs to you!
Kelly Byrne recently posted..Does Your Fear Define You?
Hi Kelly! It’s funny how our age affects how we think. The older we get, the more we learn that we don’t know everything like we thought we did from the mistakes we’ve made along the way. So yes, please slow down girl and enjoy the journey. Thanks girl for checking on me. Yep, you caught me. Today I was practicing a lot of #3. Hugs right back atcha! 🙂
I will agree with everything you just said. Do it, especially the time to coast. We’ll burn out so fast if we don’t slow down a little. It’s a hard lesson, but an essential one.
Good stuff, Karen.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Patricia recently posted..Poetry, Photography and Leaves of Grass
I think you’re in the majority here Patricia. If we don’t take time to coast, we’ll burn out. Yes, it’s a hard lesson. One I hope we don’t have to learn the hard way. So take the time and coast girl all the way to Disneyland. Oh wait, you already did that one. Good for you! Thanks Patrica! 🙂
Thanks for the great post, Karen! Good and timely advice.
I think I struggle the most with “don’t get tide down.” And as a result I haven’t been taking “time to coast” recently. I’m working on it, but they’re never seem to be enough hours in the day.
Kassandra Lamb recently posted..Changing Your Self-Esteem Filters
You are welcome Kassandra! I hear ya. I struggle with the “tide down” thing too. And I think it’s a ripple affect when we don’t take “time to coast.” Especially when we schedule too much into one day. May the force be with you. Thanks Kassandra! 🙂
Love this! I’m working on coasting right now. Something we forget to do, but if we go too long our bodies will force us by getting sick. Life has given me an adorable new puppy. She’s tiring, but wonderful. 🙂
Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Can You Have Too Much Cute?
Hi Jennette! So glad to hear that you’re working on the coasting. And you’re right. If we don’t force ourselves to do it, our bodies will. And one of the beautiful things in life is an adorable puppy. Enjoy it girl. You deserve it! Thanks Jennette! 🙂
Yeah Murphy. Shore are shelling out some tide-y good sand there. Wave on.
Julia recently posted..Me and My Petroleum Distillates
Ha, ha, ha Julia! Yes, I’m shelling out something, that’s for sure. Thanks girl! Wave on! 🙂