M. I. A.–Too Dog Gone Long!

(Flickr Photo by Peter Nijenhuis)


I feel like I’ve just climbed out from underneath a big huge rock after three…long…months. Can anyone tell me if the end came while I was gone?

No? You’re all still here? Well, what do you know. Shall we get started?

Hold on one moment while I brush myself off.

There, that’s better.

Now, where was I? Oh yes. *clears throat*

I can’t tell you how dusty, I mean rusty I feel. I haven’t written a blog post in so long that I worried I’d forget how. Me? Moi? Forget how to write? Not have something to say? I don’t think so. The end would have to come first. 🙂

Yet, a lot has transpired while I was away. Well, I wasn’t really away. Oh how I wish I was away, but I wasn’t. Nope. I guess you could say that I took a sabbatical from all non-essential-to-life things so that I could focus all my attention and energy towards the essential-to-life things. You know those familial responsibilities that we all have, though some seem more encompassing than others.

Now, I am not one to air personal unpleasantries here on my post, but since most of you know about my DH’s accident and surgery, I wanted to give you a brief update on the recent success of that said event. After waiting twenty months, my dear husband underwent spinal fusion and disc replacement surgery on November 6th. It was an eight hour ordeal in which the surgeon had not expected.

Then afterward, to be forced to contend with a hospital induced drug overdose and subsequent hospital dumping that almost landed my DH somewhere in the vicinity of East L.A. Well, you can only imagine how this little episode threw us into both mental and physical exhaustion. It was all I could do to take care of him twenty-four/seven, let alone think of blogging and social media.

So now you know why I haven’t had the time to come by and see you all. But the good news is, my DH is on the mend! Yay! We’re in it for the long haul as his recovery will take at least eighteen months to two years. But hey, others have it much worse than we do. At least things are moving in the right direction! Hallelujah!

Ah yes, Life As It Happens!

Thus, the reason why I chose that log-line. 🙂

Can I tell you how happy I am that 2012 is over? I am so looking forward to 2013. I feel like closing my eyes and clicking my heels three times.

2013…2013…2013. Whoa, it’s really here!

Time to set new goals for the new year. What might that be, you ask?
Good question.

I pondered over that one for quite some time. Since I did not attain much of my writing goals over the last year, I wondered what I might do differently in order to secure a more successful new year. And then I found this:

“Five Things That Successful People Do In The Morning”

Apparently, we are all given 24 hours of equal length. Yet, as author Laura Vanderkam says, “Not every hour is created equal.” Drawing from her own research and latest science on willpower for her upcoming ebook “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast”, Ms. Vanderkam suggests that smart people’s use of early morning is a practice shared by highly successful people.

Aha! That just might be my problem since I am NOT a morning person. Perhaps I shall turn over a new leaf and apply Ms. Venderkam’s new findings.

What? You don’t believe me?

Okay, here are the five things:

1: Track your time: “Part of spending your time better is knowing exactly how you’re spending it now,” writes Vanderkam. She recommends that we “write down what you’re doing as often as you can and in as much detail as you think will be helpful.” She also provides a downloadable spreadsheet to help.
(That’s nice.)

2: Picture the perfect morning: “Ask yourself what a great morning would look like for you,” suggests Vanderkam, who offers plenty of examples. Such as Shawn Achor, who uses the early hours to write a note of appreciation. Or Randeep Rekhi, who is employed full time at a financial services firm, manages his side business, an online wine store, before heading off to work. (Whew!)

3: Think through the logistics: “Map out a morning schedule. What would have to happen to make this schedule work? What time would you have to get up and (most important) what time do you need to go to bed in order to get enough sleep?” (Uh-oh.)

4: Build the habit: “This is the most important step,” writes Vanderkam. She explains how to gradually shift your schedule, noting and rewarding small wins along the way. (Doable.)

5: Tune up as necessary: “Life changes. Rituals can change, too.” (Cool!)

Remember…”Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.”
Thank you Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery who wrote “Anne of Green Gables!” I really love this one!

So what do you think? Do you think it is possible to adjust my routine in order to reach my new writing goals? Such as finishing and publishing a book, perhaps? You know, do what other authors do? Is that really too much to ask? Then again, how about you? What are your goals for this new year!

Oh how I missed everyone!

Thank you so much for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments!


61 thoughts on “M. I. A.–Too Dog Gone Long!

  1. Debra Kristi

    Welcome back! Sorry it took me this long to actually get the words down on the page. I’ve had the page open and I’ve been reading your post for days now. Isn’t that how it goes? Ugh. I’m so sorry you’ve had a hard time of it. Let’s hope 2013 brings better things. I pray for a speedy recovery and that you’re able to get on to a workable schedule so that things start moving in the proper direction. All good things, right?

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Debra! It’s so good to see you! How are you? Do not apologize Debra. It’s not like you have nothing going on in your life. And the good news is that things are moving forward. Thankfully. So yes, let’s hope that 2013 brings better things. We’re working in that direction already. Thanks my dear friend for coming by. How is your writing coming along? It’s hard to fit everything in, isn’t it? Please take care Debra and I hope to see you soon! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  2. KM Huber

    Wow! What a year you have had. As all the rest have said, you have been missed. It’s great to have you back. As you say, your log line says it all: “Life, as it happens!”

    May you and your husband enjoy all that 2013 has to offer you. Let us know how we may help.

    KM Huber recently posted..And Then Death ReturnedMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Karen! How are you? It’s so great to see you. Oh wow is right. Yep, a lot has happened over the last year. Yet, I’m leaving that behind and looking forward to 2013 Karen. “Let us know how we may help.” You are the kindest person Karen. Thank you for that. I’ll be certain to keep that in mind. I hope you’re doing well. I know that you’ve been dealing with some serious issues lately also. Take good care of yourself Karen and thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  3. Alarna Rose Gray

    Welcome back Karen! I hope the year ahead is smooth sailing for you, and you get to kick the goals you’re setting down. Routine is certainly a challenge… I don’t have any answers myself. But I’m looking forward to seeing what the year brings 🙂 Best wishes to you.
    Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..A Season’s WishMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Alarna! It’s so wonderful to see you! How have you been? I hope you are well. “Smooth sailing” will be my motto for this year Alarna. Thank you so much for all your well wishes. May I return those same wishes to you. Have a great 2013! And thanks for coming by to see me. Take care! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  4. Pingback: 10,000 Thank You’s « Julia B Whitmore's Blog

  5. Ginger Calem

    What a long-haul you’ve had with your husband and more to go. HUGS!!! Hang in there, both of you.

    The morning routine is a good one. I was very disciplined in getting up early to write years ago and it truly was surprising how well it worked for my creativity. I’ve been meaning to force myself back into this habit. But you know how I am about getting my sleep! 😉

    So happy to see you blogging!
    Ginger Calem recently posted..WritersButt Wednesday – 2013 BRING IT!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Ginger! So great to see you! I’ve missed you! Um, yeah, we’ve got a way to go with hubby, but it will happen. Patience is the key. That’s not one of my strong point though. Oh, and I hear you on the sleep issue. Don’t mess with me if I haven’t gotten enough rest. It’s wicked. But I do like the freshness of the morning. I seem to get more work done. So I wish you the best in your creativity in 2013 Ginger! So happy to be back and hang with y’all! Thanks as always for coming by to support me. And if you don’t see me again, come kick my butt! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  6. Jennifer Jensen (@jenjensen2)

    Welcome back, Karen! So, so happy that hubby’s surgery went well, and you’ve come out of a three-month tunnel into the light. (I’m feeling very cliche this morning.) I agree with the morning thing, and definitely with the go to bed early enough part. I’m not sure I’ll ever succeed on that. Sigh. But morning is my energy time, and that’s when writing and exercise need to happen – those things without deadlines that get shoved aside for other stuff. Let’s compare notes once in a while and cheer each other on.
    Jennifer Jensen (@jenjensen2) recently posted..New Year’s Resolutions – Who, Me?My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jennifer! How are you? I hear getting started in the early morning works quite well, although I wouldn’t know because I’m not up yet. LOL! But I’m willing to put these suggestions to good use. And I’m all over the “cheer each other on!” That’s a great idea Jen. Let’s keep in touch. I’ll be your cheeing section! I’ll bring a bunch of other people to cheer you on too! We can do it! Thank you for you support and for all your well wishes Jennifer! Take care! 🙂

  7. Suzanne Stengl

    And a drug overdose on top of everything else! What a lot to go through. So glad to hear he is on the mend. Thank you for the excellent “morning” suggestions. Welcome back.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey Suzanne! Yes, the drug overdose and hospital dumping was quite an ordeal. A nightmare actually. So glad that’s behind us. And you are welcome for the “morning suggestions. I, like you, will be trying to put them to good use. Yay, I’m back! Take care Suzanne and thanks so much for stopping by. Great to see you! 🙂

  8. Ellen Gregory

    Welcome back, Karen! I am a great believer that mornings are the key to everything… if only I could get out of bed to utilise them. That’s actually one of my goals for this year — try to achieve something, either writing or a workout, before work. I just need to find the right routine. 🙂
    Ellen Gregory recently posted..Recap on a year of Word WranglingMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Ellen! Welcome to my humble abode! Yes, it’s great to be back. And I’m with you, the earlier we get started in our day, the more that seems to get done. It’s that routine that the challenge. Best wishes on your endeavor! And thank you so much for stopping by and for your support! 🙂

  9. Lynette M. Burrows

    Welcome back, Karen! I’m so glad that things are settling down for you and that your hubby is improving! And I love the tips you’ve shared, but when I picture a perfect morning, it’s getting up at 10 am, slowly rolling out of bed, getting great cuppa . . . . It’s definitely not early, quick, or thinking before that cuppa! LOL!
    Lynette M. Burrows recently posted..Top Ten Posts of 2012My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Oh Lynette, do I ever relate to you girl! I pictured the same exact thing. It’s how I roll around here. But I’m not getting enough done. But I do love the thought of being a morning person. You never know. Mirac;e may never cease. LOL! It’s so great to be back Lynette and good to see you again my friend. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  10. CC MacKenzie


    Aaaand she’s back!

    Delighted to see you and to hear that things are beginning to look up for you both – give him a kiss from me – a proper one. 😉

    The goals sound very interesting. I’m an owl not a lark so I do what works with my biorhythms.

    Big Hug!
    CC MacKenzie recently posted..A BIG BANGMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Chistine! What a sweetie. You made it. I know you’ve got a house full. Yes, things are moving forward thankfully. As far as the goals, don’t listen to me. LOL! I’m not a lark either. I tend to be an owl also. But you never know. It might be possible to slowly re-train my sleeping habits. I’ll test it out and see how it works. I wish you would share your secrets on how you get all that writing done girl. That would be helpful. And yes, I will give Bill a proper smack just from you. Great to see you! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lena! Thank you so much for coming by, even though you’ve been buried under papers again. How do you do it Lena? I am in awe. Yes, I can’t agree more. I wish you all the best. Have a great week girl and see you at the party on Friday! 🙂

  11. Patricia

    Oh the dreaded getting up early thing. My husband and I are going to try that too. Getting up 30-45 minutes earlier than normal so we can do some kind of work-out thing together. Yikes!!

    We haven’t started yet though because he’s a bar tender and with New Years Eve being an almost all nighter for him, I wasn’t going to subject him to getting up at 6:00 to start our new routine. He’d only just gotten home at 4:00 so I didn’t have the heart. And then this morning . . . well, we’ll start tomorrow. Suffice it to say, I’m too old to be learning new tricks. (I forgot to change the time on the alarm clock when I turned it on last night.)

    Anyway, I’m so glad things are looking up for you and your family and I hope they continue to get better and better. Set backs make us stronger and more determined.

    Here’s to an awesome 2013!!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..To Infinity and Beyond!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      HI Patricia! How are you? Yes, the dreaded getting up early thing. Wow, how do you get up early after tending bar all night? No, don’t wake your hubby up. Never mind. Don’t pay attention to what I say. What do I know? Anyway, so glad to see you. Please take care and have an awesome 2013! 🙂

  12. Rhonda Hopkins

    So happy you’re back Karen and that things are looking up for you and your hubby.

    I’m not a morning person either, but I think I’m going to have to try some of these out. I’ll be focusing a lot more on writing this year and less on social media – although I’ll still be around. I’d miss you all too much. Happy New Year and many many blessings. 🙂
    Rhonda Hopkins recently posted..Indie Book Festival Holiday SaleMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Rhonda! I am so glad to see you! Yeah, mornings have never been my thing. But I’m willing to try. Perhaps just baby steps. Waking a little earlier. That would give me more time in the day. I hear ya on the social media Rhonda. It’s hard to keep it under control. It sucks you in, doesn’t it? But we’d miss you a lot girlfriend, so don’t stay too far away. Take care Rhonda and have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Pru! Uh yeah, last year wasn’t our year. But that’s okay. We are looking forward and we have a brand new year to focus on. You also have had your hands full. So glad Charis made it your way. I wish you all the best Prudence! Take care and enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Sheila! Thank you for saying that. I thought they were wonderful tips. And it is sooo great to be back and I appreciate your well wishes for my hubby too! Yay, for 2013! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey Miss Jenny! Woo-hoo is right! You can’t get rid of me that easy. He, he, he. Ah yes, the crappy year. Well it’s over! Yay! But I do appreciate you lending a shoulder Jenny and you know how much I LOVE your garden. So you’ll see me soon! Oh, that’s right. You’ll see me on Friday! Party, party, party! 🙂

  13. Jodi Lea Stewart

    My, look at the response you received after such a long time away! If I did that *and I’m not saying that I blog as much as I should,* we’d probably hear a flea sneeze over my few comments!! Ouch…that hurt, and I don’t even have self-torture on my list for 2013!

    Welcome back, Karen…and God’s best for you and your hubby this coming year.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey there Jodi! LOL, you are so funny. I would seriously doubt that a flea would sneeze over your comments. We are not allowing self-torture today as we torture ourselves enough just writing our books! But I am so glad you popped over from WANA112 Jodi. We are cousins after all. I am so encouraged by your visit. I wish you all the best for the new year! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Oh Amy, you are so sweet! I can’t thank you enough for saying that. See, I needed you to stop by today. Yes, I can do it! I feel better already. And if you ever figure out how a book gets done, please do share your secret with us all. Thank you Amy for dropping by today! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kathy! Yay, I’m back! Thank you so much for saying that. Humor is one of the only things that has gotten me through all of this. So no, I cannot loose my sense of humor. Glad you appreciate it. And setting schedules with kids is difficult. Don’t beat yourself up on that one. Been there, done that girl. Thanks so much for the encouragement. It means a lot and best wishes to you and yours! Take care! 🙂

  14. shannon esposito

    Great to see you back! I’m sure it won’t take you long at all to feel back in the groove. So glad hubby is on the road to recovery. That’s such a serious surgery…wow. Great advice for the morning. My mornings are so hectic with getting the kids ready for school and now we’ve added a new addition to our family ( puppy makes three dogs) so I’m trying to figure out how to squeeze in the things I need to get a good start to the day. Routine is going to be my friend 🙂
    shannon esposito recently posted..THE NEXT BIG THING BLOG HOPMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Shannon! Great to see you! Uh yeah, that was a huge surgery. More than we expected but we’re on the mend now. I totally understand your morning schedule with the boys Shannon. It is hectic. And now that precious new puppy. I am with you on the “Routine”. May the force be with you Shannon and thanks for coming by! Take care! 🙂

  15. Marcy Kennedy

    I’m glad you’re back and that your husband is on the mend. Life always needs to take priority over writing (though we might wish that wasn’t the case). Interesting to hear the five things successful people do before breakfast…Honestly, I don’t think you want to ask me to do anything before breakfast! I’m a zombie. I guess that means I need to plan better about when I go to bed!
    Marcy Kennedy recently posted..Top 5 Science Fiction and Fantasy PostsMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Marcy! Yep, I’m back and hubby is on the mend!.Ah yes life. Could it just calm down a little bit Marcy? Is that too much to ask? But I’m with you on the before breakfast thing. Let’s hear it for the zombies! I need the fuel to get going in the morning. I am willing however to rise earlier in the morning if it will help me reach my writing goals. I am all over that one. Great to see you Marcy. Thank you so much for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

  16. Serena Dracis

    So glad you are back and your husband is on the mend. What an ordeal to go through; so very sorry that you got the worst end of the healthcare system. Sending you positive healing vibes and wishing that 2013 takes you where you want to go.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Serena! So great to see you! Well yes, we did experience a bit of a blunder there with our wonderful healthcare system. We’ve all heard of these kinds of things, but until it happens to you. Well, what can I say. It’s behind us now. We are moving forward. Thank your for all your well wishes and I hope that the new year is a successful one for you! Take care Serena and enjoy the rest of your week! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  17. Jennette Marie Powell

    Holy smokes, the last few months have been quite the ordeal – so glad to see things are on the upswing now, and see you back! As for those goals, go for it! And adjust as needed. I’m with you on the morning thing, though. I focus on how much can I get done in the evening LOL. Good luck, you can do it!
    Jennette Marie Powell recently posted..Holiday RepriseMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jennette! How are you? So great to see you here! Um yes, the last few months have been a hand full. So great to step back into the swing of things! Yes, I like you am NOT a morning person. Although I hear that a lot can be accomplished by getting an early start. So wish me success on that one Jennette. LOL! I know we can do it! Thanks Jennette for your encouragement and for stopping by. Take care! 🙂

  18. karla Darcy

    Hi, Karen,
    So good to hear that the healing process is going better. It’s hard to get much done when your other self is hurting. Like you I’m not a morning so I’ve been trying to shift some of the things I normally do late in the day to the prior to breakfast time. It’s been working gradually but I need to get that piece in where you get a little more sleep. Thanks for the thoughtful post.
    karla Darcy recently posted..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Karla Darcy!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Karla! May I just say how much I enjoyed your post the other day on the WG2E! It sounds like you had a great year. I’m so happy for you! Ah yes, we do have that morning thing in common don’t we? Well, it is my hope to change that gradually and get a jump start on the day a bit earlier. It seems like a great pattern for success. Thanks for stopping by Karla and enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Coleen! I love your cheerful encouragement! Yes, it’s good to be back and I’m still saying Yay! I am so looking forward to 2013 with hopeful optimism! Thank you for all your well wishes and keep those awesome posts coming Coleen. They always cheer me up. Thanks girl! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey there Julia! So great to see you! Ah yes, last year was a bit of an ordeal. So glad it’s over. Now to start over with a fresh clean slate. Thank you for your many hugs. I’m sending some right back atcha. You too had a rough year. I do hope that 2013 will be a better year for you also! Take care and thank you for dropping by. I missed you too! 🙂

  19. Julia

    Welcome back Karen! Thought about you often these intervening months. So glad to hear the surgery went, went well, and your dear one is on the mend, which means of course, that you are too. Sounds like you have tales to tell. It’s wonderful that you can sit back, take stock, and get back to a little writing. Thank you for those five little before breakfast reminders. In response to your nudge, this morning I set the timer so I wouldn’t spend more than 20 minutes on Sudoku and word puzzles. Best wishes and good thoughts.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Julia! Good to see you girl! Nice to know that I’ve been in your thoughts. Yep, things are moving forward, slowly, but surely. And yes, those five before breakfast reminders are a great nudge. I am working on implementing them into my daily routine. Best wishes and good thoughts right back atcha! Take care Julia and enjoy the rest of the week! 🙂

  20. Pat O'Dea Rosen

    Hi, Karen,
    I’m glad you’re back.

    First off, don’t beat yourself up for not achieving your 2012 writing goals. Your husband needed your help, and you gave it. What’s more, it sounds as if you’ve earned healthy anger to channel into a book and can turn real-life events into plot twists. Hospital-induced overdose and dumping, anyone?

    If you can give yourself an hour of quiet time before the rest of your world awakes, you’ll accomplish a lot.

    Thanks for this quote: “Life changes. Rituals can change, too.”

    Again, I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you bunches,

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Pat! I missed you bunches too! “You’ve earned healthy anger to channel into a book.” With real-life post twists? Oh yeah. We’ve been having a whole lot of fun around here. But thank you so much for your encouragement Pat. I can always count on you as part of my cheering section. And we all need those, you know? Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Diane! Congratulations on being the first commenter! What’s in it for you? I’m sending you a great big hug! So great to see you. And thank you for all your well wishes. I will certainly pass them along to my DH. Take care and have a great week! 🙂


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