I Just Can’t Take It Anymore!

How many times have we felt this way?

How many times have we reached the end our rope?

It seems that life at times can push us to the limit.

With all the pressures that rain down upon our life, some of us may feel that we are caught in a vicious cycle. Round and round we go, day after day, and it seems like it just never ends. It’s like our life revolves around this metaphorical ebb and flow that continues to thrust us forward and upright amidst the craziness that life may throw at us.

Yet, there is comfort within the rhythmic affect of circularity in our life.

How you say?

Well, let’s think about it for a moment. Since childhood, many of our activities revolve around a circle. It may have started with a ball, a carousel, a Hula Hoop, a skating rink, running laps around a track. Why even now, when we want to blow off steam, we may take a walk around the block.

So why are the majority of us in fear at the thought of being trapped in a circle?

Perhaps if we were to make a mental switch, our fear of physical repetition could prove beneficial. Thus, when we ponder over the journey surrounding our sphere of life, it would give us a sense of security. Our frustration becomes finite. It places us in a limited course of time because our life is never straightforward.

Which means, whatever our difficult circumstance may be, it won’t last forever.

So how to make the mental switch?

I ask this question because you know how our minds tend to work. The negative sequence of events flash through our brains at warp speed. They wear a groove in our brain and set a pattern for any past or future obstacles that might exist.

So it’s important that we stop what we’re doing right now and rein ourselves back into the present. Granted, this isn’t always easy to do. But I like the way Karen Huber expressed this on a recent post, “When we are completely present, we are giving the moment our full attention. Attention energizes the moment, keeping it free from the past, the future or any current situation.”

Ah, then maybe we need to change the scenery. After all, our earth is an ever changing sphere. And because of this, our view varies from day to day along with its landscape. Why this alone may help to adjust our outlook on life.

Perhaps it’s time…for a weekend away or an overdue vacation. Fix an intimate meal and enjoy it with your significant other. Lose yourself in that book you’ve been meaning to read on your TBR list. Go to a day spa and pamper yourself with a massage, or a mani and pedi. Snuggle in with a movie and your honey on a blistery winter’s day. Go shopping or meet up for coffee, tea or a drink with a friend that you haven’t seen for a while.

And if none of the above works to give you a peaceful solution, then I implore you to take a moment to watch this short video. I promise it won’t take long and you’ll feel so much better! And you deserve a break! 🙂


Now, as you enter your inner sanctuary, take a deep breathe, then release it slowly. You have just breathed in the positive present and let go of the negative past; thus ready to take on whatever else life may throw at you. Isn’t that simply amazing?

That, my friends, was my gift to you! Make it a great day!

So what do you think? Have any of you been under a little turmoil lately? What do you do to alleviate stress? Perhaps you’re going stir crazy? Has old man winter given you the blues? Are you ready for a break from your routine? Making any plans for a relaxing retreat or spring vacation?
Thank you so much for dropping by and for all your wonderful comments!

48 thoughts on “I Just Can’t Take It Anymore!

  1. Alarna Rose Gray

    Beautiful video, Karen. I’ve been finding I’m on a very inefficient treadmill lately… and frustrated by my own inability to get things in order! It becomes a vicious cycle – so I’ve been needing to remind myself to breathe, for with that, comes clarity. Thanks for the reminder, again 🙂
    Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..Faking It for RealMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Alarna! I’m so glad you enjoyed a little peaceful serenity. We all need that from time to time. Especially when we’ve been stuck on the treadmill of our life. Sometimes it looks like we’re never going to be able to get off that vicious cycle. But nothing last forever. We have to remember that this is just temporary. And what we may now be experiencing will change. Just keep breathing Alarna! So great to see you! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Serena! You are so right and I hope that you are taking good care of yourself cause I know how much you take care of others. And the animals too. You’ve got a big heart girl! 🙂

  2. shannon esposito

    Yes, we all do need a reminder to take care of ourselves emotionally, thank you, Karen. The ebb & flow this winter has been more like a flood and recession for me…lol. I’ve been trying to be more present in everyday life and that really does help. Those moments when you just breathe and say, “okay, yes, this feels like chaos but this is my life and I love it.” By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and saying you missed me, that meant a lot. 🙂
    shannon esposito recently posted..$ Fact or FictionMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      HI Shannon! How are you girl? “The ebb & flow this winter has been more like a flood and recession for me” lol Shannon! I think I identify with you because I also raised two boys. They weren’t twins, but they were sixteen months apart. And seriously, I wish they were twins. I would have gotten the whole pregnancy thing overwith in one swoop. But to this day, they behave like twins. Not one day goes by when they aren’t talking or hanging out with each other. They are that close. When they were little, I thought I’d lose my mind. What one didn’t think of the other one did. They weren’t bad boys, just busy, you know? Then add a little of life’s finer moments and yes, you have chaos Shannon. Would we trade our life with someone else. I think not my friend. We love our boys. Well, our hubbys aren’t bad either. lol So hang in there and keep writing girl. We love seeing you! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  3. Eden Mabee

    I think this inner need to return to the circle, to the present, is part of what draws so many people to mediation practices. What you’ve described seems to suit them quite well…

    I’ve found driving for extended period very meditative partly because I have to be so involved in the “now” when I’m behind the wheel.

    So we need to be present, and we need to escape ourselves… It’s very cyclical.
    Eden Mabee recently posted..Reallife interventions…My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Eden! How are you? I find what you mentioned about how driving helps you to stay in the “now” inspiring Eden. What a great idea. But isn’t it interesting how much of our life revolves around a circle? Truly, I find that thought soothing. It’s like when someone wraps their arms around you to give you a hug. That’s another circle, is it not? Yes, it’s very cyclical. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I thought I saw a comment from you on Facebook on our WANA1011 page and then it disappeared. Facebook has been acting funny all week. But I wanted to thank you for the blog love and for your comment! Have a great weekend and thanks for coming by! 🙂

      1. Eden Mabee

        Wonderful comparison there of the circle of an embrace to the cycles in our lives. It’s the knowing that things will shift back with the support of others and our will to make it work….

        I would suggest there is one other thing that make these cycles more like a hug than a true circle: the fact that in a hug, one hand is always above the other. A hug is actually a loop in a spiral, not a circle.

        And silly as it might seem, it’s important to remember this. We don’t have to follow one direction of the spiral all the time. If we see a project is heading downward, we can turn ourselves around and head back up. If we’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, we can turn back to slow down.

        Hope this a great week for you.
        Eden Mabee recently posted..Slush in Laptop-landMy Profile

        1. Karen Post author

          Hi Eden! “We don’t have to follow one direction of the spiral all the time. If we see a project is heading downward, we can turn ourselves around and head back up. If we’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, we can turn back to slow down.” What an excellent analogy! The point I think was not to fear what seems to be a stuck position. Nothing lasts forever. We either move ahead or as you suggested, we can turn back to slow down. Thank you Eden for sharing your thoughts. I value your opinion. And I hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂

  4. K.B. Owen

    Fab post, Karen – glad you’re getting to relax a bit! Neat clip, too.

    Sometimes I don’t even realize how stressed I’ve become, because I think, “Oh, I’m not as badly off as XY, who has Z to deal with.” It can sort of sneak up on you, can’t it?

    Thanks bunches,
    K.B. Owen recently posted..Art Nouveau as InspirationMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kathy! Why thank you. I am trying to relax Kathy. Health-wise, things have settled down a wee bit. But now we have the legal stuff to contend with now. It has to be done. And it too will be overwith soon. I think I’m going to watch that clip again. lol And listen to you girl. That is a very nice sentiment you have my dear, but you are dealing with the newness of self-publishing. Working with designing your new website, your book cover, edits, and more edits, formatting, the list goes on. You’re going to do very well Kathy Owen. Just don’t forget to breathe! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  5. Jess Witkins

    Oh man am I glad I’m not the only one who still feels I’m not caught up. I’m using up my last vacation days of the year from work and spent time back home with family – catching up on Oscar films, reading Gone Girl until 1am, and having wine with dinner with my honey.

    Sometimes, you need a little escape. And the crazy cold temperatures in Wisconsin aren’t helping my motivation! LOL
    Jess Witkins recently posted..Countdown to the Oscars: Will Les Mis Stand Les Chance?My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jess! See, you are not alone! I think everyone plays the fall behind, catch up game Jess. It’s inevitable. Life just throws too much at us sometimes and we have to prioritize. Glad to know that you’ve taken some time to catch your breathe. Do let us know what you think about Gone Girl and keep up those nice intimate dinners with your honey Jess. Those are the best times. But it almost sounds like you need a little excape from the cold Wisconsin winter, eh? Can’t wait for the Oscars! I’ll be waiting for your post for the review! Thanks Jess! 🙂

  6. Lynette M. Burrows

    Nice post, Karen. I hope you take your own advice, my friend. As for me, I take an extra day off working at the hospital once a month and spend it writing taking a mid-day break to go out for a fancy coffee, and in the evening I’ll go to a dinner out or a movie with my husband. I’m hoping that maybe we’ll be able to take a short get-away vacation.
    Lynette M. Burrows recently posted..It’s Not the Dust Bunny’s FaultMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lynette! Thank you. As you know, I always try to apply what I write to myself, if at all possible. As I’ve wondered through this crazy circle of life, to keep my sanity, I have tried to keep my focus on the positive. Whatever we are going through, even though it may look permanent, it’s not. Everything has a cycle and nothing in this world lasts forever. So what we experience is temporary. I’m glad to know that amongst the things that you and your DH have had to endure, you’ve taken time for yourself. That’s really important Lynette. And that you’ve spent time together is the root of a strong marriage. I hope you two will be able to get away. Where would you like to go? 🙂

        1. Karen Post author

          That sounds great Lynette. But if you don’t mind, uh, where’s “the Plaza?” lol. I’m not sure where that is. And then again, you might not want anyone to know. A kind of secret get-away! Uh-huh, I see how it is. And Greece? What’s not to like there? How about a cruise to Greece Lynette? I can see you and hubby on a cruise together. That would be a very nice trip. Bon Voyage! :0

          1. Lynette M Burrows

            The Plaza, more properly the Country Club Plaza, is an upscale entertainment and shopping district and neighborhood in Kansas City, MO. This wikipedia entry does it some justice, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_Club_Plaza but scroll to the bottom of the page to look at the gallery of pictures.

            A cruise to Greece would be nice – not certain it’s in the cards (especially since I am plagued with motion sickness), but one can dream & plan so when the opportunity presents itself – I’ll jump on it!
            Lynette M Burrows recently posted..It’s Not the Dust Bunny’s FaultMy Profile

          2. Karen Post author

            Well I have to say, “The Plaza” and Kansas City is a pretty happening place to be Lynette! We have friends that lived in Kansas City for a while and they loved it. Sorry to hear about the motion sickness. My DH turns green. And I do mean green when onboard a ocean vessel. So I do understand. Thanks for sharing a little splice of your town! I loved it! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Debra! How are you? We’ve missed you! Glad you enjoyed and found the post helpful. Ah yes, it is a challenge to keep the stress level to a minimum while we work. Well Debra, don’t forget to breathe and take short breaks to rejuvenate. It’s great to see you and I hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey girl! You Christine, take time off? H has to drag you into town or for a brief weekend in Scotland for crying out loud. Yet, I have a funny feeling that you will be seeing a lot more of Germany my dear friend. That looks like a beautiful area. And I know it does have a natural pull on your heartstrings. Ya? A little German there. lol. Just breathe Christine and keep writing! {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  7. Kristy K. James

    Well this is a post to make you think. 🙂 I don’t actually mind the whole circle/security thing. I also like your video. I have a couple of fairly long ones (roughly an hour each) that I play regularly. One is waves washing up on shore somewhere along the Lake Michigan coastline. The other is a snowstorm. While I hate being cold, I love snow, and listening to storms. I put it full screen so I can see it out of the corner of my eye when I’m reading. It’s kind of like sitting near a window, and it’s just so relaxing listening to the wind, and seeing the snow fall…even if it is just on my monitor. Very peaceful.

    Do I have any plans to get away? Yes, Ma’am, I do. It doesn’t happen often, but I do plan to get up to the Mackinaw City area at some point this summer. Probably late in the season because I want to pad my savings so I can visit Mackinaw Island…for the first time ever. I’d like to see the Grand Hotel (where they filmed Somewhere In Time…Christopher Reeve/Jane Seymour). I’d also like to take a Pictured Rocks/Lake Superior boat tour. I just really love that part of the state, and I’d like to go for more than just a weekend. 🙂
    Kristy K. James recently posted..It’s Like Riding Bicycle My Foot!My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kristy! Oh, I do hope that this post didn’t make you think too hard. That wouldn’t give you the opportunity to live in the moment and catch your breathe. Glad the video helped. But I want to hear about your trip to Mackinaw Island after you go. And you better go. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about that place. And it’s practically in your backyard Kristy. Along with Lake Superior. You deserve to go Kristy. That would be an amazing vacation. Ah Kristy, I loved your input. Thanks for coming by and I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing week! Take care! 🙂

  8. Melinda VanLone

    Awww, can I go there?! I’m not exactly stressed…but I sure would love to go on a real vacation! I don’t really see that happening for quite awhile. Maybe I can do a long weekend somewhere close by after it warms up a bit.
    Melinda VanLone recently posted..Fairies, or Demons?My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Melinda! How are you girl? So glad you’re settled now in your new home. And that alone can be stressful. Yes, a vacation right now would be wonderful, wouldn’t it? Oh, do plan on a long weekend with the hubby Melinda. That would give you both a chance to catch your breathe. But at least you had a moment here at my post today. Glad I could help you out with that. Take care and have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Pat! So glad you appreciated the whole point to the post today Pat. Sometimes we all may get stuck and feel that we aren’t getting anywhere. But things can’t stay that way forever. Our world keeps changing everyday. And your are so welcome Pat for the mini, mini vaca in Hawaii. Now who isn’t ready to go there? Although, it isn’t France. Oui? Oh, and I love the posts your writing lately Pat. I know you’re going it alone, but it’s all coming together. So happy for you! Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Prudence! It sounds like you’ve been ahead of most of us Pru. Staying in the present and focusing on the moment is a much healthier way to live. And I wish you the same right back atcha girl! Take care and make it a wonderful week! Oh, and bundle up and stay warm! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Julia! How are you? You are so welcome! And we all need a reminder every now and again to take some time to just breathe. Life is crazy enough, although it’s good to know that whatever problem life tosses in our direction is temporary. It doesn’t last forever. So staying in the present moment does make a huge difference in how we look at things. But, I’m with you. I’m ready for the next plane west to some distant Pacific Island. That’s for sure! Thanks Julia and have a great week! 🙂

  9. Patricia

    Ah, that was so nice. I feel so much better. Best part of that video? No people!!

    Can you send me that video in an e-mail every single day? That’s be awesome. (I’m kidding, but it was a nice little break.)

    Thanks, Karen. Have a great day!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt
    Patricia recently posted..What Haven’t I Done?My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Patricia! I’m glad that little video gave you a moment to take a break and catch your breathe. Ah yes, no people. That would be tranquil, wouldn’t it? Thanks Patricia! Have a great week and don’t forget to breathe girl! 🙂

  10. Tameri Etherton

    You know I’m all about taking the road less traveled and just letting life take a detour every now and again. I love your advice to ‘Fix an intimate meal and enjoy it with your significant other. Lose yourself in that book you’ve been meaning to read on your TBR list.’ Well, I love all your suggestions, but these two stuck with me. I’ll often get a mani/pedi, but when was the last time I made an intimate meal for my husband? I’m going to do that this week ~ and use the good china, too! AND I’m going to pick up that book that’s been on my nightstand for far too long and actually read it.

    I forget it’s important to take some time for me. Life is too busy sometimes. Thanks for the reminder to just breathe.
    Tameri Etherton recently posted..You Don’t Need a Tiara to Attend a ConferenceMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey there Tameri! How are you girl? Oh, how life does takes a detour girl. Some better than others. But I’m all about focusing on the positive. I would lose my mind if I didn’t. Well, we all would, wouldn’t we? Hey, I want to know how that intimate dinner goes with hubby. You go girl! Get that china out! The best moments are what we make of them. Now, don’t forget to breathe. Thanks. 🙂

  11. karla Darcy

    Great post. It really resonated with me. I had just realized that I spent three days totally focused on work, skipping dinner with him for the sake of two webinars. Nothing is more important than to spend time with him so I cleared the decks for a Bill day. Golf, dinner and a walk. Feel less stressed already.
    karla Darcy recently posted..Karla Darcy Asks: What Is A Ward, Anyway?My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      HI Karla! How are you? Glad to hear that the post resonated with you. When things get crazy, and they do for all of us, it really helps to stay focused on the present and keep positive. Our circumstances change so rapidly, don’t they? I hope you have a wonderful Bill day! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Well hey there Catherine! How is life treating you? Thank you. When things get tough, it really helps to keep ourselves in the moment and stay positive. Great to see you Catherine and thank you for stopping by. Have a great week! 🙂

  12. Stephanie D

    I’ve been writing about this very same topic in a slightly different way (as it pertains to relationships…and the loss of mine recently). This is such a thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing it…very good ideas to ponder!
    Stephanie D recently posted..Light and HappyMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      HI Stephanie! I am sorry to hear about your loss. Apparently, you and I were on the same wavelength, eh? Well, I hope that you found some of these suggestions helpful. Life is about how things influence us and how we look at them, isn’t it? Easier said than done. Keep positive Stephanie. Things change so fast in our lives. We just hope for the better, right? Take care and thank you for coming by! Have a wonderful week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jennette! You are one of the few that does not have a stressful job. Glad to hear that Jen. But yes, the things that get piled on top of the everyday stuff that makes life burdensome. Keep squeezing that little extra time in for you Jennette. It’s what keeps us sane. Thanks Jennette for coming by and have a great week! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Karen! How are you? I hope life is treating you well. Glad you enjoyed the post. It helps to focus on the positive and I really loved the way you to expressed this in your post. Thank you Karen for your support. 🙂


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