Sing O Bla Di Bla Da!

(Picture courtesy of Kristin Nador)

I know, I know, I love to use song titles.

You caught me.

What can I say? Life goes on…

A couple of weeks ago, 400 students were piled into an auditorium at Frank Sinatra High School for the performing arts in New York City and got the biggest surprise of their life. The kids had no idea why they were gathered until Paul McCartney walked out on stage.

Can you image?

The whole auditorium went crazy. There was a 50 year gap in age, yet the students screamed just like they did when the Beatles first appeared on stage at Shea Stadium and the Ed Sullivan Show. And they knew all the words. Paul still rocked it and brought down the house.

Maybe I’m amazed.

What is it about Paul McCartney that makes him so special? What makes it possible for him to appeal to generations of people from all over the world?

Okay, he’s a Beatle. I love you, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that. But really, what, besides being a “Beatle” causes gazillions of people to flock to his concerts? Think about it. When Paul McCartney first became popular in the 1960s, those students in attendance weren’t even born.

While watching this event, hubby and I remembered when we too had the privilege of attending a Paul McCartney concert. We sat behind a young couple who had brought their three month old baby. Yes, a three month old baby. Who does that? *shakes head* At least they had the good sense to bring earplugs for that little sweetie. And then to our right, sat an older woman in a wheelchair. The vast spectrum of age, the fact that everyone knew the words and sang along, left us awestruck.

Now I ask you, who else has the ability to evoke such excitement and participation?

During the concert, some of the students were allowed to ask questions. One student asked why McCartney continues to make music. He said that when people ask him if he’ll retire, he responds with, “Thank you very much. No.”

He also said, “You have to follow your own instincts. It’s very easy to get caught up in this idea that you must please everyone. You have to remind yourself that you’ve got to love it – then there’s a chance they will love it as well.”

Way to go Paul!

And isn’t that what creating art is all about? It’s subjective and once released into the world, we hope our work will appeal to others and perhaps bring some pleasure into their world. Granted, none of us can be Paul McCartney. He’s one of a kind. But aren’t we? I say, let’s use Paul’s example for a little inspiration. Let’s follow our own instincts. And when we reach the point of doubt and frustration in our creative work, let’s to continue to remind ourselves that honey, honey, life goes on.

And so does Paul McCartney.

Sing O Bla Di Bla Da!

I feel better already!

So what do you think? Were you able to watch Paul McCartney on the Yahoo broadcast? Have you ever had the opportunity to see the Beatles, or one of the Beatles perform? What’s the last concert you attended? Do you find that music inspires you?

Thanks everyone for stopping by and for all your encouraging comments!

33 thoughts on “Sing O Bla Di Bla Da!

  1. Kelly Byrne

    Great post, Karen! I’m in that frustration funk myself right now and I’m doing my best to like my own stuff, but sometimes it’s damn hard. You know how it goes, today: “that’s a brilliant bit of writing you have there, Kelly” and tomorrow: “my God what were you thinking? Just burn it, burn it now. Burn your computer, burn your notebooks, just burn the whole house down. Get it out!” And so on…

    I’m looking forward to that day when my inner jerk and I have a truce. I know we can work it out. I’m just an indie paperback writer trying to make my way in the world here, there, and everywhere. Yesterday, I was feelin’ all helter skelter, but hopefully there will be good day sunshine tomorrow. 🙂

    PS Thanks for inspiring me to write in songs. I like it.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kelly! So glad to have you visit! Why do we beat ourselves up? What’s up with that? From what I hear, you have bragging rights my dear. That book of yours carries a lot of emotion. I was told to keep the Kleenex handy. Now, not everyone can write like that. So kick that inner jerk out girl and let the sun shine in! And anytime you need some inspiration, come on back and see me. You are always welcome! Take care Kelly and keep writing! 🙂

  2. Julie Glover

    I keep trying to imagine what my response would have been if Paul McCartney showed up at my high school. I’d be twisting and shouting like nobody’s business! How cool is that.

    I agree that we need to love it. I always enjoy performers more when they look like they’re having fun. And I’ve always questioned that famous quote: “I do not like to write. I love to have written.” Because what’s the point is you don’t enjoy the process? Maybe that’s my personality, but I love the actual writing. Great post, Karen.
    Julie Glover recently posted..Veronica Mars and TV-Inspired MoviesMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Julie! Like I told Patrica, I am so sorry that I didn’t see your comment until now. My site was under construction girl. And yes, I’d be twisting and shouting right along with you. “What’s the point if you don’t enjoy the process?” How true. So glad you enjoyed the post. Paul is an inspiration! Take care Julie! 🙂

  3. Patricia Sands

    I loved this post too, Karen. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da was one of my very favourite Beatles’ songs. We used to crank up the volume when we were up early to go skiing. I’m not sure why that song then ~ I guess because it got us going and in a good mood! How could it not? What a great story about McCartney surprising the students! Thanks for this. I love posts that leave me smiling!
    Patricia Sands recently posted..International Women’s Day 2014My Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Patricia! I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment until now. My site was under construction and I had no idea you had come to visit. Yes, I have to agree. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da is very upbeat and catchy. What a great way to start the day! Glad I could make you smile Patricia. Keep smiling girl! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Ooh Debra, you saw Paul McCartney and Wings? Was this when Linda was alive? That’s awesome! Just thinking about the song “Blackbird” gives me Goosebumps. Paul has a magical ability to connect with his audience. Yes, magic indeed. 🙂

  4. Julia

    As an aging hobby band member myself, I send kisses. Music fixes things. Kudos to the students at the Frank Sinatra high school, and to whatever teacher it was that got old Paul in for a visit.

    1. Karen Post author

      Julia, you are a woman of many talents! Yes, music is a wonderful Band-Aid for what ails us, isn’t it? And wouldn’t you have loved to be a fly on that wall during the concert? A very special event, indeed! I’m sending big hugs your way! Thanks Julia for coming by. I hope that everything is well in your neck of the woods! Take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lynette! Sounds like you are over-due for a concert my dear friend. No worries. The Beatles aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Paul may be special, but I think you’ve got something special going on too Lynette! So keep on rockin’! And take care! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Lindsay! I would be inclined to agree with you. I love the Eagles too and have been to a number of their concerts over the many years. “You have to trust your instincts and do what you love.” I love that! ‘Cause I’m thinking that we shouldn’t have to explain it to others. Just keep doing what you love Lindsay! And thank you so much for your thoughts and for stopping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Ginger, can you just imagine what it felt like to be in that auditorium? It is amazing! And the fact that your 15 year old son listens to the Beatles and other artists that recorded on vinyl is a testament to that fact. Sounds like you have a lot in common with him. That’s fabulous! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Emma! Music is an international language. It’s interesting how, depending on the music, how it may affect us. That’s why there’s so many forms of music. Which don’t include Beatles, I may add. No worries girlfriend. We all have preferences and that’s what makes the world go round. Thanks for your input. “It’s the soundtrack to your life.” 🙂

  5. Kristy K. James

    Ha! Last concert I attended? It was the high school marching band Christmas concert last year…and I might add that I doubt many symphony orchestras could have played better than those kids did. When they do a concert, they play their little hearts out, and they’re great! They do pretty good in parades, too. 🙂

    The one before that was Randy Travis with my two daughters and my mom…probably seven years ago or so. I’m not much into crowds, or the traffic jams trying to leave, so I don’t go often.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to leave an impact on the world like Paul McCartney? Alas, I missed the Yahoo thing, but then I didn’t even know it was going to be on Yahoo. Still, I’m not surprised the kids today love him. Some things are timeless. Some people, too. And I think all of us who write can only hope to have something people remember 10, 20, or 100 years down the road. Oh to be another Mark Twain. 😀
    Kristy K. James recently posted..In Poor TasteMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Kristy! Kids are amazing, aren’t they? You can really feel their excitement. I can tell that it left a great impact on you. As much as Paul McCartney has made an impact on the world, I think we all have the capability to impact the world around us. It’s awesome when we are aware of it. And it doesn’t have to be something earth-shattering or felt across the globe. It may only affect a few or maybe more. Sometimes that’s all it takes for our impact to spread to others. So keep writing Kristy. You just may be another Mark Twain! 🙂

  6. Alarna Rose Gray

    Some people have just got It. Which is not to say we can’t get It, but having enough faith in the things that make us go ‘ahhh’ to share them…that takes a certain amount of verve. Thank god for people who can show us how its done! The last concert I went to was Prince, I think. And there was a similar age range there, too. Music is the best thing I know to get the inspiration flowing. Rock on, Karen 🙂
    Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..Plastics PostScriptMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Alarna! “Verve!” I love that word. That was a perfect description of what it takes to be creative. And yes, “some people have just got it.” But, I still think that “verve” exists in everyone. Do we have the faith in ourselves to keep searching for it? Ah Prince. Yes, he definitely has verve. And he knows how to use it too. Rock on Alarna! 🙂

  7. Janet Sanchez

    I did miss the yahoo thing, but the time we saw him with you two was great wasn’t it sis? He obviously loves what he’s doing. Let’s never get too old to rock and roll.

    1. Karen Post author

      Hey sis! I’m sorry you missed Paul on Yahoo. It was pretty cool watching those kids rock out. But we did have a great time at his concert, didn’t we. No, let’s never grow too old to rock and roll! Love you! And thanks for coming by to see me. {{Hugs!}} 🙂

  8. Coleen Patrick

    My husband has always loved The Beatles and McCartney. He wasn’t even born when they arrived in the U.S. but like you say in your post, that doesn’t seem to matter. My hub even had a Yellow Submarine themed bar mitzvah! 🙂 I think he saw McCartney in concert in the 80s.
    I’m humming Ob La Di now…a happy tune that one. Thanks, Karen. 🙂
    Coleen Patrick recently posted..On Nature and DonutsMy Profile

    1. Karen Post author

      See Coleen, I felt that we needed a happy tune. We can’t have things too serious around here all the time. It seems the Beatles are in every household. And I have no doubt that Paul’s music will always be around. LIke Ob La Di. It’s a catchy, happy song. If you get the opportunity, you and hubby should go together. You will not be disappointed. So keep on humming Coleen. It’s good for your soul and should get you through another week. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    1. Karen Post author

      Hi Jennette! Ha, ha, ha, glad you clarified that bit of information. Though I must say that it was fun to grow up with the Beatles. Now if we’re talking about Alice, he goes back to my high school days. For years we lived in his neck of the woods. And from time to time, we would go hang out at Coopertown in downtown Phoenix. It’s a happening place. Yep, he still rocks! I don’t know if I find him inspiring Jennette. I’m afraid to think what he might inspire. lol. But hey, it’s subjective, right? You take care and have a great week. 🙂


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