…Tom Cruise!
Wait a minute… Wait a minute… Wait just one minute!
Tom Cruise?
Excuse me, but isn’t that Superman?
Superman who is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
Take a look at the picture below. Does that look like superman to you?
Or maybe I’m getting him confused with somebody else… Oh, never mind…
The name Tom Cruise might invoke thoughts of movies such as Top Gun, Minority Report and Mission Impossible. Or you might just be thinking Hot & Sexy and “You had me at hello!”
To most people he is synonymous with big blockbuster movies, but if you were to ask the actor if this had always been his lifelong dream, he would tell you that as a 14 year old Franciscan seminary student his only ambition was to become a priest. Yet as one of the top 100 movie stars of all time, his career is a far cry from that youthful ambition.
Take for instance his new Mission Impossible movie “Ghost Protocol” coming out Dec. 21st.
Many movies stars like to brag about doing their own stunts, but this is where Tom Cruise takes the cake, or should I say, walks the walk—especially in his new movie when it came to leaping out of the window of the tallest building in the world. This has made all the other stunts he’s done in the past pale in comparison.
The Burj Khalifa is a 181 story, 2723 foot tall mirrored glass skyscraper and is located in the country of Dubai. This 49 year old actor made running up alongside this building look as easy as a cat climbing up a tree. According to producer Brian Burk, Tom may have had a stunt man test out the safety rigging, but every frame you see in the movie is really Tom Cruise. It’s a good thing too because his stunt man as it turns out is afraid of heights, but apparently Mr. Cruise isn’t.
Yet it wouldn’t be Hollywood if there wasn’t any movie magic applied to the screen. So what you won’t see are all the wires and safety harnesses he was hooked up to in order to perform all those virtual Mission Impossible stunts.
Say all you want, but there is one thing that can definitely be said about Tom Cruise.
No Fear!!!
Watch this:
So what do you think? Have you ever seen the 181 story Burj Khalifa building in Dubai? Could you jump out of a skyscraper window and pull a stunt like that? Or are you afraid of heights? And if you’re a Tom Cruise fan, what movie or movies are your favorites?
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Thank you for your many thoughts and kind comments everyone!
And a big thanks to all my new WANA friends and all others that may grace my presence by visiting this post. Take care and make it a great day!
I used to be totally fine with heights but I am finding as I get older, I get a wee bit more chicken! LOL! I’m all for roller coasters etc but leaping out 181 story building is a big fat “no thanks!” I really respect that Tom does his own stunts for this movie…so cool! Hubby and I plan to check it out this week…woot woot!
Natalie Hartford recently posted..Naughty & Nice: confessions of a reformed bad-a$$
I’m on the same page with you on that one Natalie! Hey, you and Hubby have a great time you hear. I hope you get to see the new movie at an IMAX theater since I’m told it’s going to be thrilling! Woot woot! 🙂
He is daring! I don’t think I’d ever do something like that! I think I saw Top Gun no less then 20 times. My friends and I were at the dollar theater almost every weekend rewatching that movie. Ahh, teenage girls and their obsessions:)
But I’ll agree with the couch jumping and then some of his beliefs for me are just so bizarre, I have a hard time with him anymore. But I enjoyed watching this clip. Very neat stuff!
Kara recently posted..Dear 17 Year Old Me, You Are A Late Bloomer And It’s Okay
Ah Kara, you not alone in your thinking. Like others who have commented, Tom Cruise is a controversial subject these days. Yet, when it comes to taking risks in his life, no fear. I’m glad you enjoyed the clip. It was insane, but very exciting! Thanks Kara for your comment! 🙂
I love adventure and live for climbing and jumping off of tall things! That said, this was a hell of a stunt and there’s probably a whole load of A-listers who wouldn’t even dream of doing it themselves. Tom gets a lot of flak for various reasons, his religion, his reputation with the various women he’s married/dated etc – but holy crap man, gotta give the guy some respect. He may play the same or very similar characters in all his recent movies, but if you could – well, you would, wouldn’t you? I know I would! I think Tom Cruise is amazing at what he does – not that he’d care what I thought, when he can buy and sell me a million times over!
Thank you Tony for your awesome comment and saying out loud what I only hinted at! Yes, people can say what they want, but the guy’s got a lot of moxie, guts or whatever you want to call it. And well, uh, the pay isn’t bad either. Thanks for dropping by Tony. 🙂
I’m totally afraid of heights. But for some strange reason it’s always been a dream of mine to live in a penthouse apartment. Go figure.
Emma Burcart recently posted..The Ben and Jerry’s Diet
Well Emma, there certainly are many facets to our lives aren’t there? And the thought of a penthouse apartment has classy written all over it. 🙂
I’m with August – I can write about this but I rather keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. Although I am contemplating an indoor wall climbing class, but it would have to be a really low wall.
It is definitely impressive when an actor does his or her own stunts.
LOL Angela!!! Yes, my feet are firmly planted. But an indoor wall climbing class sounds adventurous! Let me know how that goes. Thanks Angela! 🙂
Yeah, I don’t do heights, lol. I stopped watching Tom Cruise films around the time of all the couch-jumping exploits, partly because I felt like his off-screen craziness was starting to bleed into his on-screen characters (War Of The Worlds is the last Cruise film I saw, I think). But I do remember his older movies fondly – Minority Report is one of my favorites, and even though Mission Impossible 2 wasn’t the greatest and liberally ripped off of my favorite Hitchcock film, Notorious, I still really enjoy it.
Lena Corazon recently posted..Fiction Friday: Reflections of a Novel-Writing Sociologist
LOL Lena!!! You and Fabio make a good point. I’m not a huge fan either for that matter, but I had to give him credit where credit’s due. What guts. And I loved Minority Report also. I like you only liked MI:1. Didn’t know that MI:2 was a rip off. Bummer. Hey, I just thought a vlog would be a fun change of senery here. Thanks Lena! 🙂
Karen, I won’t even climb onto the roof of my house to help my husband with Christmas lights. I love looking out the windows of tall buildings but no way would I stand – or climb – the outside of one!
Sheila Seabrook recently posted..The Gift by C. J. Carmichael
Now see, that’s pretty brave of you Sheila. The last time I was in New York City, my husband took me to the top of the NBC building to the Rainbow Room to look out on the city and the view. I literally clung to the wall. God was my hands sweating. Nope, not a fan of heights. Thanks Sheila! 🙂
Me? Afraid of heights? Just cause I start wobbling on a step ladder, you think I’m afraid?
Let’s just say I’m really glad my job doesn’t include stunts on the side of the tallest building in the world, sheesh!
Lynette M Burrows recently posted..A Christmas Cry Baby
Well Lynette, that’s why we’re not making the big bucks my friend! LOL!!! We’ve got to graduate from the step ladder and get more daring girl! Thanks Lynette! 🙂
The only guy in the world who can jump on a sofa and also leap out of skyscraper’s windows 🙂 He did insane rock climbing scenes in MI:2.
I’m a sucker for action movies, and I’ll watch MI:4 on imax.
Fabio Bueno recently posted..The Infant Debate Team
Alright Fabio! I knew I could count on you! Love the “jump on sofa” comment! I almost wrote that into the post. I didn’t see MI:2 or 3 for that matter. I’ll have to go rent them and check them out. I did hear that the IMAX is the way to see this one. Go for it and have a great time! Thanks Fabio! 🙂
I think the third floor of that building would be high enough for me. I went to the top of the Hancock Building in Chicago one time. Stepped off the elevator, looked around and got back on the elevator. I am not a fan of the Mission Impossible movies, and to me, this one looks outrageously bad.
Tim L O’Brien recently posted..Taking A Chance – The Naughty List Exposed
Now Tim, who would think you being such a rascal would be afraid of heights! LOL!!! Especially after your Naughty List! Hee, hee, hee. Oops, sorry. Well I must confess that heights aren’t really my thing either. The Hubby loves it, but me…not so much. He was so disappointed when I wouldn’t go up the entire way on the Effiel Tower with him. I waited on the ground. Okay, you didn’t like even the first one Tim? I thought that one was pretty cool myself. I haven’t seen the other ones though. Well thanks for taking a peek anyway dude! 🙂
I’m extremely daring…on paper. 😉 When it comes to physical stunts, I’ll take a stand-in any day.
I had no idea Tom Cruise first aspired to be a priest. Go figure! I admire his ambition and dedication for sure.
August McLaughlin recently posted..Fa La Ha Ha Blog Bash
LOL!!! August that’s hilarious! And who knew? When I discovered that little tidbit I thought, hmmm? This could be a new angle. Very interesting. I love unearthing new stuff. Keeps me on my toes. I hope you had fun anyway! See you soon! 🙂
No, I could NEVER do that! I got the heebie jeebies just watching it. I do think it’s amazing that Cruise does his own stunts though. Makes me want to see the movie, even though I don’t love the Mission Impossible series.
Julie Hedlund recently posted..Julie: An American Girl – Deja Vu Blogfest
Well then I suggest that you don’t go see his new movie in an IMAX theater which is where it is first opening. And sorry Julie, I didn’t mean to give you the heebie jeebies. Just thought I would switch it up a bit and do something fun. I wish you well in your recovery and I hope you get all the votes that you need! 🙂
I want to do that! Where do I sign up? I am super impressed with Tom Cruise for doing his own stunts.
Debra Kristi recently posted..Wild Thing Domesticated Live-In?
Well you little dare-devil Debra! You go girl! And yes, there’s been many things said about Tom Cruise, but fear is not one of them. I thought it was funny that his own stunt man was afraid of heights. 🙂
I don’t think there’s any bungee jumping or building scaling in my future. Although I did go rock climbing in Maine–that was cool, but it wasn’t too terribly high up. My husband wants to sky dive one day–but it won’t be with me, unless it’s those sky diving simulators they have. 🙂 I just don’t like to taunt death!!
Coleen Patrick recently posted..Deja Vu Blogfest: Imagination
I’m with you Coleen. I like my two feet on the ground. Although I’ve always like rollercoasters. The faster and higher, the better. But 181 story building, uh no. 🙂